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A member registered Feb 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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The new version hasn't been released yet! And yes shadow flickering can be an issue, I hope to have fixed most issue is the new version.

(1 edit)

Thank you for trying out the demo. SSIL and DOF are both really expensive for what they do so they only get enabled on the ultra preset. (SSIL has a comparable effect as SSAO, but it also includes simple GI) This also explains the performance difference between high and ultra. 

FSR 2.0 upscaling only works if you lower the 3d resolution. Otherwise it just acts as TAA with sharpening. (It looks better than TAA but it's almost unnoticeable at 4k)

For example FSR "balanced" in a lot of games is 3D resolution at 60%.

Hi, I have just released the source code with copyrighted assets removed on Github:

Hi, I have just released the source code with copyrighted assets removed on Github:

thank you for playing. The camera sometimes flips upside down when leaving the GUI. It occurs when the mouse goes from free to 'captured' mode. It's because of the smoothing I use in de the camera controller.

It is the amount of rendered triangles reported by the renderer. So this is the amount of thiangles on screen + the triangles in the shadow-maps.

Thank you for playing! Do you mind sharing your screen resolution?

You don't have to pay me, you can always ask me questions. DMs are open on twitter and mastodon.

To enable the asset encryption I have to compile Godot. I do not own a mac, so I cant compile for MacOS. If I hadn't used purchased assets, I wouldn't have used encryption and then I could have made a MacOS build. Maybe in future projects, who knows.

Just released the Linux version.

Just uploaded the Linux version

I think it can be optimized a lot further. Some of it would be in the engine and some of it would be in the game projects. I would start calling this 'well optimised' if it can achieve about 1.5-2x the performance of what it is now. (So with 50-60fps on 1080p ultra on my gtx1060, I would be very pleased.)

As far as occlusion; The game does use Godots built in occlusion culling (But I don't think its really that effective with all these alpha clipped materials), but more important it uses frustum culling with the vegetation in chunks. (Possible thanks to ProtonScatter)

The demo utilizes billboards (impostors) for the trees in the distance. For better performance I could have used a better setup for LODs in general.

Thank you for playing, and thank you (and and your team) for creating the Terrain3D extension.

The fact that MS Defender picked it up as a potential virus is probably because I didn't codesign the executable (and it's a custom build).

It uses most effects that are available in Godot. Ssao, sdfgi and ssgi are all used on the ultra setting. On high and lower however only ssao is used. The demo does not use the voxelgi or the lightmap nodes, everything is real-time.

It's a custom engine build so it's a bit more work than that, but I will try.

Thank you for downloading, I'm planning on uploading a Linux version. I hope that will improve the performance.

Fun game and I love the animations. A few things tho. 

-Is the game supposed to be pixelated?

-The game ran slower when my fps dropped (missed delta time somewhere?). The fact that the fps dropped is kinda weird (I ran this on a gtx 1060)

-Also some objects startted bugging out real bad for some reason (flickering)

Its a good game concept and i like the execution so far. could you please add a fps counter to the game. 

I would love to see more from you!