This rules - great game!
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Fun game! Moving around felt really nice. I think this might be potential cheese on the final? Some level elements were unused.
I really dig the look of the book! I could push it around all day. An idea: give the book some readable level-specific flavor text that can only be read when the player is facing a page while it is standing on its spine. Maybe sometimes that text would display upside down!
Fun, cute game. Good stuff.
Haven't solved it yet, but I dig the idea! FYI, this game is still searchable. To fix that, go to and select "Edit" for your game. Select "Visibility & Access" > "Public". In the "Public access settings" box, check "Unlisted in search & browse".
Two pieces of feedback before this launches for the calendar. First, I'd recommend adding checkpoints after each puzzle solve using the Puzzlescript CHECKPOINT command so players can restart each puzzle without resetting the entire thing. Second, I'd recommend increasing the viewport dimensions in your itch project settings. It's tiny right now!
Good stuff! Congrats on making your first game!
Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I'm proud of this game and its twists and learned a lot about PuzzleScript while making it. I don't know that I'll make a sequel (maybe a level pack?), but I'll definitely be making more PuzzleScript games in the future.
You (and anyone) are welcome to crack open the source code and make/share levels if you have ideas you'd like to explore.
Crashing bug on actual Playdate hardware:
In world 4, there are platforms that move when you shake your playdate. If you stand on one of those platforms, then shake the playdate, the platform will move out from underneath you. This will kill you and then crash the game. Crashing also triggers the "next" level unlock bug mentioned above.
As another piece of feedback, the crank inputs are too sensitive in this game. It is difficult to move a crank platform just one tile.
Otherwise, I'm digging it so far!