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A member registered Aug 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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I saw like 3 or 4 different endings, but could not find any horror elements, except the light visual glitches and the sad soundtrack. 

[Warning, spoilers ahead.]

Now I have chills writing it because of the thought that the real horror begins when you show the picture of that 'something' you slept with to your friend? My balls are too soft for that, I'm gonna just check some videos below :D

Wow. There's even a double twist.

Maybe, if I was smarter, I wouldn't be expecting something really scary from Angela's game, cause it's the second game I play, where she tells about our inner demons in their common ways of manifestations and nothing more. 

For me, her horror games are good in all of their aspects. I hope, she will continue doing em the same way :)

I suppose, that your question is not related to the game or the way it was built.

Here's the way I run games on Linux:

1. Extract the game archive to any directory (probably, under your user home directory) using GUI archive/file managers

2. Goto the dir and find out what file is the game's executable. `cd /home/username/games/iwokeup`

3. The simplest way is to try to run the file from a terminal emulator. ` ./I\ woke\ up.x86` (you could press tab for autocompleting filenames)

4. Some files may require permission to be executable (the system will throw error permission denied), to grant so, run `chmod +x`. Then goto the 3rd step.

You could also do the same things using your GUI file manager, but the way can do it depends on the specific software and anyways seems less handy to me.

It's too creepy for me. The game is long, dark, full of suicide (or lifeless bodies) images, psychedelic visuals and probably has some supernatural stuff. I don't say it's bad, it's just not for those who are afraid of playing real horror games.

Playing 'missed memories', I couldn't get why the visual novel is marked as a horror game. Now it makes much more sense with the dark atmosphere and all these old photo/film effects.

Идея неплохая, рисовка норм, с механикой на второй день разобрался. 

Я бы может даже охотно поиграл в полную версию чего-нибудь подобного, но менее рутинное. То есть, добавить сюда выборы со скрытыми последствиями,  больше ивентов, пару-тройку концовок, и получится вполне себе играбельно

Самая корявая игра из всех игр этого хакатона, что я видел. 

Третий уровень, упавшая неск секунд назад балка откидывает персонажа к старту уровня при касании. Вы сами то хоть играли в вашу поделку?

Packed the linux distribution in a rar archive, what a genius.

I wasn't able to run the game on an Ubuntu PC. Most of the time it just shows me an endless gray screen after the unity logo. One time I was able to see the main menu, but when I clicked the start button,  I saw the black screen. I've made like 10 tries to run the game, but none was successful. The console output is non-informative, also I could not see any log files to provide. My config is: PopOS, i5 2400, r9 280x, ssd

It's the lightest and most calming horror game I've ever played. But still, I'm a bit disappointed that there is no good ending in the very end.

Anyways, it's a good game to start for those who are afraid of the dark :)

[Warning: 100% spoilers]

So the complete walkthrough is:

The plug

The common dildo

The door handle

Then go downstairs. There's nothing to do for now, proceed to the kitchen by clicking the bottom of the game screen

Click on the phone to summon 4 more weird characters.

Now go to backyard and fuck the shy bee guy, then that guy on the left of him, and get back to the foyer.

Now we're dealing with the two most unobvious things in the game: the handrail tip and the carpet. The basement is pointless right now. Just use the handrail and go back to the shark guy. 

The next is devil guy. 

Than the thing in the basement.  

The devil guy again. 

Finally, we've reached the final part of game's content - click on the front door.

Not too fun for anyone who's not a 180 level nerd.