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A member registered Jun 10, 2024

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Because the game is not really about porn , it just contains porn ^^ The story and the humor makes it a gem! And even the "adult scenes" are not that bad considering it was the first AVN made by Caribdis.

I downloaded it because ppl kep saying it is so great, started it and finished it in 2 days.... so yeah I was kept at my pc for way too long ^^ But it was worth it. 

It is really hard to find something equally good , that's true. But that didn't stop me from trying and also finding something good ^^

Once in a Lifetime is on my list, just not started it yet. For now I have Serenity on my list, at least what's completed so far ^^ Serenity and Last Human to be precise, both from the same creator and at least Serenity does also effect some things in Last human , I just don't tell you what exactly to avoid spoiling the surprise.

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You didn't start Serenity Chapter 2 before writing this comment, did you? Otherwise you would have noticed that the story of Serenity Chapter 1 is continued here (as already announced at the end of Chapter 1!) However, I'm just boldly assuming that you just wanted to make a hateful comment because Serenity  simply does not meet your expectations. For my part, I have great respect for every creator who tries to write good VN. For me, Last Human and Serenity are among the best AVN so far. Of course, there is room for improvement, no one will dispute that, but compared to a damn large part of the currently available VN, especially AVN, N2TheFire does quite well here. Instead of just writing a "hate comment", it might make more sense to 1. REALLY look at chapters 1 and 2 and, secondly, to give constructive criticism. Of course that's just my opinion...

sharing is caring ^^ I am happy when I can name a good VN for someone , also I am equally happy when someone else can name one I have missed so far ^^

Hard to pick just one girl.... all of them have something unique you can't resist to like

I kind of tend towards Luna, she has something mysterious. On the other hand Nancy is very open minded when it comes to other girls and loving more than one person.... which can be a good thing as long everyone knows and is ok with it.

In my opinion there is a difference being a slut (male/female does not matter in that case) and being in a relation with more than one partner. 
I guess I am also a little open minded in that regard.... even if I always had just one partner

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you're welcome:) If you are not annoyed by reading like VERY MUCH and more interested in the story than adult scenes (which are plenty of in the game I'm about to mention, just not high quality) you could take a look at "Terminus Reach Sentinel"... I just can't remember where I got it... This is split in 2 AVN, "Terminus Reach Sentinel" and "Terminus Reach Sentinel 2" 
The visuals are not that great, but all the characters and the story really kept me at my pc for WAYYYYY TOO MANY HOURS ....
Great title to kill time while you wait for other titles getting updated, it is fully finished. 
Most choices have an impact on the story, who will help you , how bad things go and so on .... Everything builds up from the start 'till the end of the second title. 

I really liked "Callisto" .... The start is a little weird if you are not used to that sort of interactive gameplay , but the story of that game is definitely worth playing it.

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No matter what some haters may say, this is one of the best AVN. There are very few with this level of quality.

Keep up the good work , everyone coming here for good AVN will appreciate it and be thankful for your work.

I totally agree on this, just take your time and do what you have to do.

Most likely unauthorized resell or accounts made by using vpn.... I can not find any AVN on steam so far and I am defenately more than old enogh.... I don't get it myself.... The band "Frei Wild" has a song with the correct name to germany.... Well I guess that applys almost to the whole world lol.... "Land der Vollidioten" or translated "Land of idiots"..... And before yoi ask:yes I realized you can understand my language given your location, but this way all the others understand it 2 xd

I am pretty sure it won't make a difference .... but maybe the epic store will surprise me for once.
Germany is pretty stupid in this regard.... our leading idiots at least....I know you can still activate a key for steam . that's the reason I asked if you can buy a steam key instead of buying it directly on steam, not sure if it works on epic the same way.

Glad to read this :) 
Last Human is defenately one of the better VN we have so far. Sometimes you don't need a game or several choices at all like in other VN , it's also a good experience to sit back and simply read a good written story. Your VN is a real good example for that :)

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I live in Germany... so I can't do shit on steam .... sometimes I hate to live here.... at least every time it comes to geoblocking or internet.... 
Is there another way to get my hands on the steam version ? maybe a key or even a version outside of steam ?
Anyways good work :)

I can't wait to see the new update once you have finished it. So far there is a clean story you're telling and I defenately want to see how this continues and even more how all plays out once you have finished Last Human.I actually particularly liked the scene in the court.It was serious,also emotional and at the same time funny at the end
Please keep up the good work and don't abandon the project. There are so many unfinished VNs that started well but are never finished. It would be a shame if Last Human became one of them.

I like this game so far. Thank you for your work.
Nice to see there are still ppl making AVN not just for sexual content, but with good story and a little bit adult content in the right moments , when it is fitting the story itself.
How do they say ? Balance is of the assence. :)

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There is a 0.5 version on Patreon, which give me some hope.
Last activity on Patreon also was this month, which means this is NOT abandoned if you guys are wondering. Just give it some time.
I liked the first game. I also like the idea on building a new game around 150 years after that final battle against the Hive.