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A member registered Dec 28, 2018

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Not bad for your 1st game learning with Godot. Keep it up.

1st, I'm not trolling. Just trying to get people to think for themseves.

How so?

Companies that do better at providing what the customer wants tend to grow. Amazon is a prime example, Walmart was king and everyone thought unstoppable. Nothing remains static in the market, cusumer demand changes. Businesses adapt or fail.

It's only when the state gets involved and starts distorting the market that there are issues.

Exibit A:

Well I certainly would have never guessed that, judging by your previous comment and the game I would have guessed a fresh college grad from a Leftist University.

So what do you have against Free Market Capitalism?

Can you point to any major issues that are caused by Free Market Capitalism and not government?

As I said there is a ton of evidence.  I assume you are talking in general since you did not provide any specific counter argument.

So let's start with current world rankings by country:

"Country ranking of the 2020 Index of Economic Freedom"

"The Human Freedom Index - 2019"


As I said people can choose to form a collective collony or group and make it work as long as it is  volentary. But of course then it would be Capitalism and not Socialism and it does not scale well.

As far as Socialist or Communist countries they always result in misery for the people and  collapse. I oppose sactions on whole countries as they harm the people and give the Dictators a scape goat.

Yes this is absolutely Propagada. Maybe not intentional, judging by the game creator's respons on the big thread it is just ignorance on there part.

"Propaganda is communication that is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented."

Knowledge is power, for the love of all things good please educate yourselves people!

Peace, Love & Liberty is real progress!

Ignorance will be the death of this once great nation. Like every other Empire, this one will collapse as well. 

It is amazing and sad the level of ignorance displayed in this thread and on social media platforms. Politicians like Bernie feed on ignorance.

Ironically on a free market system (as free as you can get under our current Cronyism) you have Propagada that bashes free markets. Yet under Socialism State supported games would be the only ones that exist. There is no freedom of the press or free speach under any Statism system.

Be careful what you wish for people, you may actually get it. Of course in real life there is no save, reload, no do over. In reality once your freedom is gone it is very hard to get back.

Ignore the Propaganda, educate yourself and fight for Liberty not slavery.

Yes, and it is supported by evidence.

Your meme is not facts.

Now if your point is that the current system in the USA and most of the world has major issues. Yes you would be correct. Yet none of them are due to the free market. I could raddle off the major issues but I can't think of any that a due to Capitalism.

Feel free to point out any major flaws in our or any system that are caused by the free market.

Yet all the evidence points to free markets providing the most prosperity for the most people by far. That is how the USA became the most powerful super power and the fastest growing nation by far.

Freedom has a way of motivating people far more than force. Who would have guessed. :)

Lack of curiosity?

Lol. Curiosity has nothing to do with me rejecting Statism.

I have and continue to read and educate myself hence my rejection of the main stream and political shift towards Statism.

But I agree their power relies on ignorance. They never use facts as the facts do not support their agenda.

What made you reject all common sense and be lured in by the propaganda?

There is a big difference between using defensive force aginst agressors and using aggresion against innocent people.

State sponsored violence is bad and should be rejected by all. No kind person would support such a system. Just look at the recent protests against police brutality. Of course that is nothing compared to what people face under Socialism or Communism.

Yet there are no examples, they have all failed. Odd if it is such a good system that nobody has managed to make it work.

Nothing in your way other than hurdles that anybody else faces. You don't need an island. Yet there are people that put in the hard work and achive their dreams all the time. People that go off grid and live with very little outside interaction.

Which requires force hence government.

Socialism is force not freedom.

Yes of course under Capitalism nothing stops you from starting a Socialist community. And there are examples of this, of course most fail and they do not scale well.

But under Socialism or any other Autoritarian system you are not free to create a business. Yet even under the most oppressive government's like North Korea there is black market Capitalism.

Peopel everywhere desire to be free. Nobody flees Capitalism to a Socialist country.


It's not. Yes life is not fair, everyone is unuiqe. But nothing in a free market prevents you from improving your skills.

And clearly that is not how the gaming market or any other market works. There are plenty of example in gaming and in life.

Wow your clearly indoctrinated.

Under Socialism or Communision there is no free choice they rely on force, hence government. Hence they always result in misery and death for anyone that does not agree. 

Capitalism is the only system that allows people to create any type of business how they see fit. If you and a bunch of your comrads want to start a community go for it. 

Freedom v.s Slavery. 

Um yea that's a totally unrealistic senerio for one and has nothing to do with reality. 

Sure a Corporation can be motivated purely by profit (greed). So what? In a free market they acheive profit by providing what their customers want better than the competition.

Socialism & Communism have done nothing but cause misery and death. Only ignorance or evil can explain why anyone would advocate for such an Authoritrian system. No I'm advocating for individual Liberty, what has been proven to  provide the most opertunity and prosperity to the most people. No central planned or forced economy comes close. 

Look at the gaming market for instance, it's about as free as any market under our current  Cronyism. No license requirenments, no artificial barriers to entry. Anyone can start making games on their own as we see thousands here on itch. Sure most are garbage but you will have that. The bad will either improve or not continue in the market.

Peace, Love & Liberty is real progress!

Actually they are more free market than the USA, they just have a massive welfare state and high taxes as a result. It is Captialism that funds it.

To clarify, I'm assumming that you did not mean this to be propaganda. You may actually beleive Capitalism is the problem. I assume you have been indoctrinated and just don't know any better.

Stop and think for yourself. 

How can a system based on volentary exchange and freedom possibly be the problem?

I bet none of issue you precieve with our current Cronyism system are the fault of the free market. 

Knowledge is power, don't be a tool of oppression.

Thanks for the reply. 

But based on the title, description of the game and your reply this is indeed Socialist propaganda. 

Your own comment shows that you don't understand Capitalism and therefore the game can not be based on facts. "that said you can attempt to run ancap Laissez-faire hellscape economy". 

Your game might be worth a look if it was unbiased but given the facts this is a hard pass. I suggest educating yourself and whomever worked on this game. Then maybe your next game will not be a propaganda piece and sothing worth playing. Or you could always avoid politics for your next game.

So political propagada.  What we have in the USA and most of the world is Crony Capitalism, collution between big business and big government. There is a reason why Socialism always fails. Capitalism is the solution not the problem. 

(1 edit)

Looks like it still does not work through Itch, nothing comes up on the download popup. 
"No compatible uploads were found for this title"