I found a bug in the browser version where, if you end the day holding the item, you can't see the mouse or the item when the day ends. When the next day starts, you also can't pick up any (other?) items.
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A few things:
While cutting, partially or massively incorrectly cutting a fabric seems to softlock the game, making it impossible to progress. Can't access settings while the scissors are out.
It seems like right clicking to cancel actions is a lie; I cannot cancel cutting or stitching.
Strangely, it seems like you can sell stuff at a loss? Had a cotton T-shirt request ($20 in materials) in which its max profit was $15. Is this on purpose?
The tasks are given out at random, which means sometimes all of the materials x2 are not something you can buy.
For funsies, I calculated the amount of power you need. Essentially, you should have consumption take less than 0.54 (~55%) of your peak, give or take. This means you need around ~1.85 more production than your consumption.
Please note, it does not seem like the consumption number doesn't account for build energy, consumed over the course of building similarly to matter. Perhaps you tried to build something that was a bit too expensive (or drones... drones take a lot of energy for upkeep).
When you're out in space, it seems like you can get away with consumption and production being equal.
As a gender-neutral person that's on the friendship route, there's two errors that I saw on the page starting with ["I can't see why!" she says. "You're the loveliest person in this whole city."]
1. [Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: gender is not defined] at the ["Ta-da! All done,"] paragraph.
2. [Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<elseif>> clause (#3): route is not defined] at the [You will. You always are] paragraph.
My personal interpretation on how the different hypnotists felt:
Elijah: Kinda interesting. While 'awake' I hate the attitude of "your choices don't matter". This guy somehow managed to flip that on its head.
Set-dressing, I do like how he restarts the entire game(ish) to at least somewhat forewarn you that "yeah, you signed up for intensity".
New Age Bloof: Happy-giddy feeling, while being reasonably aware of the world outside. Almost torn between that and being calm, but I got there in the end.
Voidritch: Felt like he and I were bouncing around a whole lot. It was likely the point to slightly overstimulate, considering the whole "brain can only hold 7 things" and lack of prep beforehand.
I was definitely more awake than others, but that might be because I was distracted halfway through. Still a highly satisfactory experience. I did notice his style was somewhat similar to Elijah, perhaps because he was on air and not in a 1-on-1 session like normal.