can I also suggest an option to remove the un
packed game files after the game is closed (if that's possible) mainly because of rpgmaker's very VERY crappy image encryption
I've encountered a new issue now.After packaging the deployed RPG maker MZ game, when the game loads, it doesn't load any of the video files in the game's archive. I have it so the title screen uses a video, and when loading the game through the boot strapper it doesn't load the video at all leaving the title screen completely blank (aside from the menu commands)
There seems to be a bit of an issue with using this to make random enemies (think on map encounters from Earthbound) When I use another plugin to clone the events that are known to be working to chase the player the events no longer chase the player and behave like there's no logic there at all. is it possible to add something that allows the chase function to work even across maps
there's an issue with this plugin. Whenever I select an item that is meant to target an ally or the user the game error's out and says "this.checkItemsope is not a function" in the console it shows that DoubleX_RMMZ_Enhanced_Codebase and Akea Animated Cursor both throw an error
when I disable This plugin the error goes away, the error still persists even wen the enhanced codebase is disabled
ok, I tried out the new version and it packs the game files perfectly fine. what I'm having trouble with is the boot strapper, when i change the relevant pieces of code and compile it. it spits out this
I followed the instructions on the github and I compiled the template using
dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 -f net5.0-windows10.0.19041.0
the variable fields in this javascript file is one of the ways I package all the data so that it's harder to get at. When I copy the Actors.json data into the circled field it gives me the error "Actor undefined". When I first encountered this error I started to do the usual troubleshooting steps of disabling plugins and re-enabling them till I found the one that caused the issue, and the balloon position plugin in is the one causing the issue. (sorry if i'm still unclear, I have a hard time explaining things in general)
I know this probably will never be looked at, but I have an issue with this plugin.
One of the ways I package my game is by taking all the files in can in the "data" folder and copy pasting them into the rmmz_managers.js variable fields.
I can put everything in there (e.g. System.json, enemies.json etc) but when I attempt to put Actors.json into this it crashes with the error "actor undefined" or something along those lines.
I don't know if this can be fixed or not
Thanks for the tips. Sorry for not describing the usage super well, I was having some issues for some reason posting a reply. the usage is that it was being used in a dialog box, and it was meant to allow for most if not all the NPCs to have some sort of a unique interraction with the leader character. For some reason using the \eval escape code doesn't work either it just shows the code that's in the brackets. So I decided to just have the same common event tracking the leaders' ID (because some of my other systems actually require the ID and not the name) also track the leader's name, and it seems to be working perfectly. I understand it's a bit of a noob mistake, but hey, live and learn. Thank you
I'm \AcNk[\v[15]] is what the actual code is (I have a variable that tracks all actor IDs in the leader position), this actor's nickname is Zara, and I'm using the exact same code to give the text box the nickname
(Do Note, the only other plugin that I suspect is doing something is the plugin i'm using to change the positioning and mirror status of the face images, as that does use escape codes) if need be I can send my full plugin list so that you can test to see if something is messing something up
I think I know the other plugin that messes with the escape codes, it's Cae_FaceOnRight, it's a plugin that allows for the positioning of portraits but it uses escape codes, I still don't see how it could be conflicting because Cae_FaceOnRight only adds \FacePos[Pos] and \FaceMirror[Direction]. Then again I may be wrong, i'm not super familiar with Javascript, and I really don't know how RPGmaker has it's code base set up.
There appears to be some sort of issue with some of the escape codes.
When using \AcNk[ID] or \MbNk[Index] when the codes are used in normal text boxes it just put out a number
For example
Hello \AcNk[2]
Hello [1]
but if I use that same escape code in the name box for the text box it works
For example
Name: \AcNk[2]
Name: [Whatever the actual nickname for that character is]
Looking back on here I see that it's an incompatibility with GALV's event spawner (this only happens when I try to spawn an event into a map) I've already contacted the developer for that plugin and they don't know how to solve this (for some reason Spawning an event using this plug in wants to call the init command in Eli's book)