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A member registered Sep 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed your game! At first it was kinda slow but after a few minutes it was really fun. There are a few visual bugs (for example when i opened the delete-tool I was able to give the whole forest a red outline) but in general the game is really polished, especially for the amount of time that we had. I love the artstyle, the blocky-aesthetic is something I really like and the music was great, it didn't get boring to listen to after a while of playing, but instead really enhanced the game-experience.
One little thing might be, that I got annoyed with the hints after a while, thats just cause I don't like it when something constantly repeats its movement, maybe a button to turn that off would be good.

did you get the legs? Cause as the "ball" you arent supposed to be able to jump, I should've probably made that more clear, thanks for the feedback

thanks for your feedback, I've never tried exporting a windows version, but I will look into that tomorrow