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A member registered May 13, 2018

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

i have just bought your Steam version yesterday. Is there a way to get the newest version .zip when bought there and not here?

question: i´m from germany and for some stupid regulations, i can´t buy it here on steam. If i buy it here at itch, do i get the patches and sometimes later also the full game?

did you choose, who gives and who takes the sexual actions(on the right side)? maybe you forgot?

(1 edit)

Version 0.5.11a windows 10:

casting mutation is completely buggy it seems.  ingame a window appears with the following text : "This is a text dgahpofkjerso hoepdhj". Spell still uses mana, and gives stress to the slave it got casted on, has apparantly no function whatsoever.

The console says:

SCRIPT ERROR: mutateeffect: Attempt tp call function 'rebuild_slave_list' in base 'null instance' on a null instance.
At: res://files/scripts/spells/gd:1186
SCRIPT ERROR: person.dictionaryplayer: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.
At: res://
SCRIPT ERROR: popup: Invalid type in function 'set_bbcode' in base 'RichTextLabel'. Cannot convert argument 1 from Nil to String.
At: res://files/scripts/

I really enjoy the game and also support it on patreon. Only the lack of full body pictures and portraits is bugging me.

So far I found 2 suitable art packs in the web. One body and portrait pack and one portrait-only pack.  Overall quality is really good, but for some species, the variation is rather meager, especially for Arachne, Dryad, Centaur, Gnome, Scylla, Seraph and Slime.

If Maverik doesn't mind, then I wouldn't mind to do a pack in the near future, it's just time consuming work. Depending on the picture and my amount of free time(and guessing from the first work i started), I can do around 2-10 pictures a week(I would probably do more of it for money, but i don't know, if I'm decent enough with my skills and if I'm even allowed to do that sort of thing, so if some of you are generous and want to gift me money, do it, when not, then not XD). I will probably incorporate most of the other body/portrait pack(when i find the original artist), because the pictures in there are really good.  Finding suitable Art is another problem though. I have found some, but finding the art AND editing the pictures is too time consuming for me. I want(well for myself XD) at least 20 proper pictures for every Race; when the 20s are finished, i will share my work with all of you(and a .txt with all the used artists) and depending on the pictures I will get after that, then probably update the pack sporadically. I will do only female in the beginning, if i get enough fitting males, then i will maybe do them after the other 20s or when i don´t have any pictures anymore.

I post here, because you could help me for that project. I know, using pictures without the consent of the original Artist is illegal, but i hope, they don´t mind. If it is sometime finished and somebody should complain, then of course, I will remove the picture/s. Better would be, if you want a picture in it then please post the Author with it, or link me the artist-page with the picture(I will attach the first 1-3 before/after pictures as soon as they are finished onto this post)

Suitable pictures are all, in which the "needed" character stands alone and is more or less"completely" visible(there are pictures in which even "cut" persons are still sexy) and well lit. Simple or no backgrounds are even better, the erasing gets harder and more time consuming, the more complex the background and hair is and the more the character interacts with the background and the "environment".

Please do share or better PM me fitting, sexy, ecchi, partially nude or completely nude pictures; all uncensored, where appliably. If possible, please in suitable clothes and please no sexual fluids, sexual acts or sex-toys. If they have bondage/slave equipment/clothes, then it depends on the comlexity of the gear and the interaction with the surroundings of it. 

At the moment, please share all of the present races(use the descriptions of the slaves for more infos of course, most of them are self explanatory):

- Arachna(please stick more or less with the ingame description here)
- Beastkin Bunny
- Beastkin Cat
- Beastkin Fox
- Beastkin Racoon
- Beastkin Wolf
- Centaur
- Dark Elf
- Demon(should be recogniceable as such, wings, tails, horns whatever differentiates them from other species)
- Dragonkin(partially or fully scaled with a tail and horns please, wings are optional in my opinion)
- Drow
- Dryad
- Elf
- Fairy
- Gnome
- Goblin
- Halfkin Bunny(a bunny-suit is not a halfkin)
- Halfkin Cat(a cat-suit is also not a halfkin)
- Halfkin Fox
- Halfkin Racoon
- Halfkin Wolf
- Harpy
- Human
- Lamia
- Nereid
- Orc
- Scylla
- Seraph(or Angel)
- Slime
- Taurus

another bug apparantly: i only meet harpies in the mountains in the "wild"

Version 5.10a on Windows 10

Have the weird bug that i can't assign 2 of my dragonkin my combat group anymore. Happened after enhancing them in the laboratory. tried with letting them rest for a day, still not assignable. will keep an eye on it, hope it fixes itself. don't want to get new ones XD