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A member registered Mar 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Absolutely! I'd be honored.

I gave you one million dollars in funding.

I haven't checked here in a bit, so to see the switch to unreal engine is a pleasant surprise! I've honestly been considering ditching rpgmaker as well, so I was wondering: How hard is unreal to get into? Would you say learning it is similar to learning MV at all? I'd normally just google this, but I figured I'd ask you as you worked with rpgmaker previously.

Well, this was the first game jam I've ever done.
Did I enjoy it? Definitely. Did it make me despise the margins in Paint? Yeah, definitely. 
I also learned a very important lesson about time management with these - don't get too ambitious.

Overall, it was still a super fun challenge and I'd totally do it again.

I also saw a post on here talking about doing a "rate for rate", so I'd figure I would give that  a shot. 
Put the link to your game below, and I'll try to get to it and rate it as soon as I can, given that you do the same for me.

Looking forward to checking out your projects.

(1 edit)

The gripping tale of Bogart had me at the edge of my seat every second of the journey. Would the soup ever be his? Would he ever find his missing wife? Would his evil twin Gobart destroy him in the end? All those questions get answered and the story wraps in a cathartic yet satisfying way.

Bogart the Frog, rest in peace. Campbell's would have loved to blend you into their soup. 

The game is great, does everything it has to. Also reminds me of Meme Run a bit. Don't know if that's a good thing or not.  Graphics totally fit. 4/5!