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A member registered Jun 24, 2021

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ahhh wow that all sounds really good. Any idea on when that one will be ready? I’m really eager to get started on this game, as I’m planning to release it with an album early next year, but if you think it’s worth the wait then I might do! Or I’ll just crack on with this one and then use your new version for the sequel haha! 

thanks so much for the fast reply! Yea I figured it out a few hours ago and am getting underway with using this as template for my game. But do you suggest waiting? Will there be a lot of differences etc in the updated version? I’m really impressed with what I’m seeing here and think I can make something really fun from it! Thanks again, it’s much appreciated!

Loving this! Having a bit of an issue however. It seems that when i press T to attack it just keeps looping the animation and I can't get out of it. This is with the untouched game downloaded into Gdevelop. I checked the animation in events and it says 'trigger once'. What could be happening?