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A member registered Dec 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sounds like a good plan. Best of luck with your future games!

I don't think I have played a game where you fall so fast before. It works though. There were even a couple levels that made me have to think or work for them. If possible, I don't know what you used to make the game, but try to play around with the window and scaling settings so that the pixels aren't so blurry.

Ha ha, sure!

Sounds like a good update.

When I played, I often had the right side of the paddle bounce the ball to the left if the ball hit the very edge of the paddle.

Yeah it worked. The application window was not very big and couldn't be expanded, but otherwise I didn't see any problems with it running.

Hmmm..., then what about adding keyboard controls like the arrow keys for right and left?

If possible, it would be nice if the game could capture the mouse. I lost all my lives because I moved my cursor off the web player and then lost control of the paddle.

-User received the game for free-

I played through this twice. Once while goofing around with the jetpack, and once while actually staying inside the boundaries. Since the jetpack let me fly anywhere, I wandered around outside and on top of the map quite a bit. It's fun, but makes it hard for you as a dev to present the player with a particular experience. I suggest adding a roof if you want to keep the player inside. If you don't mind the player flying all over the place, then it's no problem.

I enjoyed shooting up robots, the weapon was a little over-powered, but it was alright that way.

I would like to see more levels to extend the time the game can be enjoyed.

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Phew. That was a fun little game. I liked the art and the flapping feet as they moved. Took me about 7-8 tries but I got there.

I like the exploded bits of plane keeping the momentum.

Is it just my computer or the web player or are the controls a little laggy, as in, the time between button press and action feels slower than I expect.

Ok, understood. That's plenty fair enough of a vision. Maybe it was the wording that threw me off. "Character creator" sounds like a tool I have some control over. Maybe if it instead said "Character generator" then I would not have been as confused.

I think my favorite name in there is "Guh." I don't know if it's any kind of reference, but it is still funny.

I figured there is some strategy for beating it that I was missing.

Are there any more controls besides the space bar and the randomize button? I would like to be able to choose the body parts or at least which one is randomly changed.

That's a hard game you've made here buddy. I do like the way the t-pose guys spin away upon death. Maybe there is some mechanic I am missing or maybe I'm just bad at games, but I couldn't get past the first level.

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Thank you. Looks like it's "Star Cartoon." At least the one that looks very similar on DaFont is called that.

I see, that's a little better then.

I mean, I don't mind the people eating the fish, I eat fish and meat (beef too :o), but it's the disrespect of being played with first. :<

Your puffer fish seems to enjoy eating carrots though.

That video always makes me sad, but the game was fun.

Very cute little blob fish guy, but I agree, the charge rate is a bit on the slow side.

I got all but one variant, 3 shinies, and one hidden. I would go after the two legendary shiny ones but the around 800 fish I would have to catch to get them is a bit more than I am ready to do. ha ha!

The particle effects are good and the sounds and jiggles are nice too. What font is that by the way?

When respawning, it seems like you can fall though the floor on the first level. Only refreshing the tab seems to fix it.

I could tell there was a lot of work put into it. I was quite impressed by the menu system.

Hello again. I saw those characters drawn in your style and knew it would be something interesting.

Oh, that makes sense. Maybe you could detect taps and long presses differently then. As in, a tap would place the target marker and a long press would just move the camera but not place a new marker.

Hmmm... if you have discord, I go by the exact same name there, that should be the easiest and least public way for you to send me the key.

Oh, interesting. I hadn't considered that the bullet had a lifetime so that the speed would make it go farther. Thanks for the tip.

I like the art style. It's cute. I also like that the modifications at the end of each level are not all simple upgrades but tradeoffs. However, it might be nice to have a couple actual upgrades that don't have any downsides.

You do have the shield, but after the first, the later shield upgrades don't do anything.

Another aspect you could have as a trade off is the bullet range. I often felt like my range was more limited than I wanted and would be willing to trade something for more range.

That was something else. The lesson seems to be saying no to a girl ends in failure. ha ha!

I got trapped in the shower. But the doors and light switches seemed to work well. Is there any way the camera controls could be right mouse button so that you don't have to change the move target every time you want to look around?

No problem. I know it can be tough when there are so many games out there to get any attention. I only got my first comments this past week on a game I had out for two years. I get it.

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Oh, I might go and take a look at them.

Edit: I took a look. Seems they are all only available to play with a Mac. I did want to try Jump Master out. 😅

You bet. Cool profile picture, by the way.

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It's a little better, but seems to still be cropped. Maybe it's just my browser (Firefox). I also tried in Microsoft Edge with no luck.

Plays well. The enemies being able to go through the asteroids almost got me a couple times though since I thought I was safe but then one appears out from a wall.

I played. I don't think the concept itself is a bad idea, maybe a top-down shooter just isn't the right place for it.

I'm a 



I was actually surprised by the smoothness of the various actions happening around my cursor. It all seems to work just as intended. Well done.

I understand, sometimes projects can just be for learning and don't need to become huge games.

You don't need to watch any fully, but the trailer for "2016" captures that essence well enough.

No worries, I was mostly joking. I'm sure you have many plans for this or other projects.