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A member registered Aug 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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This game is a pretty solid demo for the writing team behind it and shows a fair amount of creativity. Well worth the playthrough. Although there are some setting details and inconsistencies (like having that big satellite on the moon which dwarfs the lander) its forgiveable.

The one major issue this game has is that the movement and physics both suck. Jumping feels gross and moving doesn't feel much better, especially over hills. For a walking simulator, not having good movement is kinda killer. I would not play an expanded version of this if movement was not improved.

I used the Golians. My strat revolved around doing research until I got either the resource reveal or war techs. After which I colonize as fast and hard as possible.

I got lucky that run and got universities as my first tech so I had high science production for my first planet.

I finished the game on turn 100 using the Genetic Ascendance. 

Honestly have no clue if I could go higher but it feels like I only missed only a couple possible points.

This is a really cool concept, great job!

Fun game but emails can't be sent from unknown addresses. The protocol doesn't allow it. Kinda nitpicky since its the future or wtv but felt wierd.

I really loved the album! Thank you so much for making it <3

Not to brag but I 100% Fat Bear Week in under an hour. Nbd

GBJAM 6 community » General · Created a new topic Run on Gameboy
(1 edit)

Are games supposed to be able to run on a gameboy or just be "gameboy like". If it's not supposed to run on a gameboy do we follow the same technical limitations? ie. 8-bit integers, 256 max tiles on screen ect.