Where are the events with Natsuki?
I did everything on the board, did yumeko H-scene, and now nothing is there something i'm missing or is hidden?
- "Events for Natsuki plus an H scene."
Imagine complaining about other's "lack of father" or whatever because they responded to your own comment.
That's internet right here for you:
1º makes unrelated comment about anything, just for satisfaction of reaction
2º get an answer
3º goes on defensive asking others why even bother, even doe you're the one that first made the unrelated comment and having nothing to asnwer back to it:
- Calls others for complaining like a little kid as a defensive mechanism, even doe no complain was made towards you.
- Complains therefore they probably don't have a father (because lack of inteligence to actually say something smart)
- Calls other Karens but doesn't know the actual meaning that "Karen" actually has (just another dumbass kid that saw tik tok and yt videos, saw a trend rising around a certain name and made 0 effort to even know to what karen actually implies and then goes calling everyone a karen as much others calls one another of racist, bigots, facist and nazis now days)
-Manages to lose even more braincells on the next word, instead of sentence, calling others adopted as if that is even a problem in itself (please enlighten me and everyone else what exactly does someone being adopted means in your brain to even use that as an argument, come on, show us your extreme superior intellect on what being adopted entails). Clearly not a sentence of someone that legit lost his marbles in 0.2 seconds after reading a comment that was not even a personal attack.
4º "i mean you figured out that it was delayed so why even bother complaining dude i would have understood if you didnt know it was delayed but you do so whats the problem"
Grow up a few more years and you'll have your own answer to that, since reading didn't help you.(if you even read at all).
Or probably you won't have an answer, which well... good luck I guess.
To double down on your karen comment:
I say things with actual meaning and facts.
My answer: "Imagine calling 10 miserable minutes of your life wasted."
Your reaction: "bruh really wasted his life typing this shi" "complaining over nothing like a little kid" "you dont got a father" "mabey you are adobted" "stop being a karen"
Now, I wonder who literally went full karen here (even to the point of thinking that pointing out that someone not having a parent or being adopted means anything, but hey, as I said above, you're free to explain what exactly does that mean)
Let me tell you the reasons as to why you're stupid and you still keep being literal illiterate.
Heads up, this is ALL going to be quoted straight from your own comments.
Also, I don't care about what your feelings are, i don't care about what you THINK it is, what I care are FACTS. If you can't even answer this questions you might as well just go back and crawl back to your hole.
Present facts, not emotions.
1º Quote what sentence i made that refers to me wanting them to not to delay the game: "if you want play a game that is ridden with crashes then sure the devs would love to release their update earlier"
2º Quote when I said anything about not caring about bugs: "there are also OTHERS that don't want those problems during their gameplay"
3º Quote when i said precisely this: "How can you assumed that HE DELIBERATELY DELAYING THE UPDATE?"
4º I know you're probably one of those shitheads that doesn't want to do anything in life and rambles about anything and everything in his own echo chamber thinking you can tell people what to do, but, do yourself a favor and go touch some grass because the only reason you're even telling anyone to do what YOU think they should do just shows you have literal 0 knowledge on how the real world works. Not to mention you're literally nobody to say to anyone what they should or not do on a product and a business that's not yours "JUST JOIN DISCORD AND PUT YOUR COMPLAINTS ON THERE"
And before you get your ass ahead of your own brain once again, about me referencing about the post being hidden this is what I said from the start:
"i bought the game and seriously you're gonna put the october post fucking hidden for patreon sub only, so that i can't even know what the hell is written there? REALLY?"
Now let me teach a complete illiterate like you the amazing difference about what you said and what I say.
Free of charge.
I'm questioning the morality of the decision made of making a post private that is about knowing when the game is THEREFORE going to be released. It was not about fluff nor anything else completely other then for the reason I initially stated. Since it is not something that by any moral standards especially towards those who buy the game, should be locked under any circumnstances under any kind of platform. Period. I did not demand them to make them public (if you think I did, i'm gonna say this again, I don't care what you think, I care about facts therefore quote the sentence that "demanded")
Unlike you doe that:
You go around telling others to do what YOU think they should do.
Yep, that's right, there's a BIG difference.
5º "if you want to know NEWS about upcoming updates then join their discord"
Like I told you just now, it's a morality issue, NOT putting those kind of NEWS public in whichever platform the game is being published on if there is the means to do it in that very same platform.
Something that your lack of education brain doesn't understand apparently.
But you think you're so right in your own echo chamber that let me tell you, even the people that are in charge of the game think the exact OPPOSITE of you, and they actually made what I said just NOW: "putting those kind of NEWS public in whichever platform the game is being published on"
"Sorry, it was posted everywhere except Itch.io."
Yes... that's right... figure that out, they did post everywhere the game in being distributed, except they forgot right here in Itch.io and they assumed to that mistake. Go figure that out. Oh so high and mighty warrior of echo chamber justice, how far you have fallen in just once sentence.
"Then why wouldn't you go on discord and put your rant on there? Are you stupid? Writing on here doesn't make anything happens,"
Apparently it did because they did answer and they did apolozige admitting their mistake of: "Sorry, it was posted everywhere except Itch.io."
You do realize the only person that I've been interacting here going ape shit is you right?
Not the devs, nor anyone else. just literally you?
Due to your own dumb statements.
Or what? you're expecting freedom of speech to be one sided?
If you come here and you make dumb comments then yes, you might very well expect there will be at least one person that will call out your stupidity if your comments are dumb.
Once again i'm going to offer you a very simple advice:
Go educate yourself.
This is what i mean, it truly was locked, for patreon sub only.
Now, don't worry, i'm not mad about the game being delayed.
Ofc stuff like this happens and as much as anyone here I also prefer to wait longer and have the game as clean as possible.
The only thing I was "complaining" about was the fact that same post you made on patreon was locked, making me unable to inform myself as to when was the update expected to be released.
Looking at the image all I knew was that the game was delayed, as to when doe... from my perspective it could have been as much as next week as to next month or next year...
If it was some fluff or clear patreon sub content, I wouldn't say anything it is removed from what i bought from the game itself.
But in the future if you need to delay the game again, it's completely fine, but it would be a lot better that posts like this are actually publicly visible in their entirety so that we can have the information needed as to what the current situation is and have a rough estimate of release dates.
Another dumbass that clearly spent his childhood locked inside his house during COVID that turned into another illiterate spending his entire days going through social media.
Not only you don't know how to read, you're also completely unable of comprehending what it is you're reading and to top it off you add even more then what was said in the first place to fit your narrative.
Good one.
Go back to twitter, thanks
EDIT: Oh wait, i didn't even bother to check at first, but of course it had to be the same idiot that made the very first comment... Amazing how in 2 posts you go from stupidity lvl 100 to stupidity lvl 1000000.
You came in, making the second comment literally reinforcing what I said about you in response to the first comment, just even worse.
Please do add to your script in the next comment about how "I said" that I would also burn down his house for delaying the game, make DDOS attacks on him, unsub, unfollow, cancel him ("cancel culture" LMAO), throw dinamite on his car and ask Kim Jong-Un fire nuclear missiles over his district.
I truly think it would add more to your "dramatic" narrative borned out of your complete inability of reading comprehension.
Here is an advice for you, go actually get yourself educated first instead of throwing yourself making commments online, or in real life for that matter, based on your own distorted perception of what you want your narrative to be and not what it actually is in reality world.
It will help you a lot down the line.
I'm so sorry if you're so stupid, with 0 reading comprehension skills, to realize the fact that what i'm mad about is not about the game being delayed itself, is simply the fact of what is EXACTLY written in the fucking comment all by itself.
The post about the game being delayed is
Meaning: I still don't know when or why it was.
Imagine that, being mad about not having acess to a post that says the game is being delayed and not having any other info other then that, even doe i did paid for the game.
Bruh... i bought the game and seriously you're gonna put the october post fucking hidden for patreon sub only, so that i can't even know what the hell is written there? REALLY?
I wouldn't care if it was just some fluff but obviously from the few words it showed, clearly you're delaying it, as to why or when... well fuck off who ever bought the game right?
I don't know what is the issue, but for some reason the game just won't start at all on this version.
All the previous versions 0.4.2 and below still work all the same, but this version is not opening at all. There's not even a single error message or anything. It just won't open.
Any ideas that might be causing this?
Here's where the dumb idiots come in to try to justify their point of view without taking into account the repercurssions for it.
Tell me, have you ever wrote a story? EVER?
If no, i'll tell you something, there's nothing more frustrating then to have simps telling you what to do in your OWN SCRIPT.
Now, are you the one writing the story? No
Are you the one making the game? No
Are you the one that knows what it entails to make a changes in routes so that you can get what you want and force the guy writing the story having to make changes and think everything anew from that point onwards that he already wrote?
First learn the difference of what you want and what is better for the game, and not what is better for your own selfish feelings.
Exactly, this game is about choices, LIKE YOU SAID. So choose. One or the other, instead of telling him to change the entire script so that you can get what you want, and again, reality check, since i don't care that you don't give a random BS about reality, cause you're still going to take it, and that is, changing script to please randoms that want it all ruins story progression. You know why? Because it's not you that is writing it.
But if you want a game that gives you every single option on every single route because the guy in charge gave in to demands, man go ahead, you have thousands of game that went down the drain for it. Go and play them. REALITY that you hate so much.
"Player Feedback" isn't the same as trying to demand and force your agendas into a script.
Reality Check: "Let me bang them both because "I WANT IT" isn't feedback. It's selfish demands. Learn the difference
Take your own advice then? Go find out how many don't agree with your take as well.
The biggest difference here is: I'm not the one telling him to do something he doesn't want to do. You are. What is worse.
Ups another Reality Check.
Any updates on when the game will be ready?
Also, on the topic of Sayuri and Asami, all those people whining about your decision?
Fuck'em. It's your game, it's your story, i'm gonna tell you one thing right now, a decision that has ALWAYS ruined games for years, that decision is: You give the players everything they want.
That's how you ruin a game 100%. You start moving out of your own script, your vision, you start giving everything that the crybabies want, that goes against what you think it's best and that's when everything starts going down the drain.
Giving the players everything they want, is how you ruin a game 100%
There's has NEVER been a case where giving what the players want has ever been successful. EVER!
Stick to your script, one thing is taking feedback, another is you giving everything to the players.
You ever played ARPG's? Try to imagine yourself starting a complete new expansion on a ARPG with every piece of gear you wanted for your character/build. You're going to quit and get tired of it in 1 day.
Another example, I'm going to avoid spoilers, anyone here is watching Mushouku?
If so, have you watched the lastest episodes? You think it would be even as half as impactful as it was the latest episodes if the writer submitted to the crybabies that wanted everything that didn't happen?
That's my take, but you do you.
I just know for experience, you twist your arm, you change script, all to cater to some people that want everything, and that's how you crash and burn.
Don't even think about giving the option to have the 2 of them if you trully believe that is the right choice.
If they want the other, let them replay it for that.
I'm assuming that if you give the 2 options you will have to change your entire script and screw up your best ideas for story development.
But those are my 2 cents. You do you