Love the development!! cant wait to see how far it goes next updates!
Recent community posts
so far its structure looks pretty good! but its definitely going to need more work, namely getting art added, used areas added, rebalancing or adding new ways to change stats and make exploring more interesting than it is currently along with optimization. but i cant wait to see what the development path will be!
for instance revamping inventory, addin more variety to events and making armor show how it affects you
i think the game would do well with encouraging survival by inplanting safe areas where you can heal a po... stopped writing now you get the point! if you wanted to you could make this a super good game, its def got the potential for it
I like it i played the entire way through and i got the "boring end" i was a fair feared king with a thriving community. my biggest dissapointment was often the the frog man but he was loyal so i kept him as a pet, alas when i actually needed the animated puppet late game they never shown themselves
wall functions great, ai never resent troops, not sure why W doesnt move you upwards, its hard to deselect things, troops target eachother (no damage) and troops target the keep and wound up killing it, its very hard to place buildings orderly at the moment.
great game, i hope you develop it further
this is a very fun game!! i love it i could prolly play it for hours (i played for 1) this could definitely be a mobile game as well!
(i played the web version!)
if this does get an update or a fanmade splitoff then some recommendations based on assumptions (im not a coder or anything close) if its not already being done
-have the previous map data deleted after every new area
-make the calculations for the wepeons/city turn into a flat number during the drive area
-push the titans further back and add new mobs (maybe something that slows down the city)
-add different game options such as increase the rate of diffuclty speed and increasing base difficulty for each new area, or one that increases base difficulty based on how many new areas youve gone to (this could be a paid feature if it was a mobile game, go cheap as it will be mostly 6-12 years olds playing, less is more)
game is fun and gets you invested, navigation feels tedious especially considering that many of the events are relatively similar
the jobs are fun minigames though! i got to day 15 and while the introduction is fun its going to need a decent amount of work to enjoy a longer better playthrough
I really enjoyed the Ava event line along with the domination one and i hope it gets expanded!
(edit found changelog and theres a bunch more days to go through, which is amazing!)
This was pretty fun, i definitely passed up some of the options the game has to offer due to being able to heal/repair whenever needed and always being able to reduce corruption
if you want to you can add a hard mode that makes it so reducing corruption can only be done at 25% per reduction and give 60-80% of victory money which can make it significantly more dire/dangerous along with capping healing via soda cap out at 80%
i hope this game gets developed further, i like it a lot!
honestly a fun game! if released as a mobile game im sure it would do well if the bugs were worked on. bug no 1: cant scroll on upgrade menu occasionally, bug 2 game freezes up after you lose, bug 3 generally just lag (i have a beefy computer, bug 4 wont let me download because of error file
edit: i only got bored after it froze too much