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A member registered Aug 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

xLainik: This game was quite the experience haha. Love the DS aesthetic and the whole mystery behind it all. Great game.


Wow, that sounds super great. You guys do amazing games, so a potential sequel will sure be amazing too. Best of luck on your current and future projects! (:

What a beautiful game. The aesthetic is just gorgeous and lovely!!

I love the concept of the game, it felt like Touhou but with less punishing bosses and adding roguelike elements. I finish it in easy difficulty first playthrough, with a very bad build hehe. What a clever idea of having spheres being lives, currency and drops all at ones!

The only think I found frustrating was the 3 active items (bombs, invisibility and time freezing), I always pick them up by accident, and end up with something I don't like

I'm adding it to my personal game library. Easily one of my fav bullet hell games yet and in terms of pixelart one of my favourites of all time.


Conjoined community · Created a new topic Do more level

Hey there, I quite enjoy your game. The main mechanic was very fun and I would love to see more complex puzzles with it. Nonetheless, making something like that for a jam is very impressive. Amazing work.

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Hi there. I found your game great specially music and pixel art effects, but the controls were a bit awkward since directions were in the isometric plane and not in the camera plane. Also the flashing effect when killing enemies was too much for my eyes and I lost track of enemies. Other than that it was quite enjoyable for a jam entry!. I got to the 13th wave (:

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Yeah, maybe the prioritises weren't well setted from the start and the game suffer from decisions not so well planned. It was a fun experiences making it, nonetheless. Also, thanks for organizing the jam! Hope to see more coming for the pygame community to grow a bit more xD

the sprite are actually from another game "Realm of the Mad God"

Nice little game. I find it interesting and fun. The art and music were great. Bullets were to small and barely noticeable. I wasn't sure what to do even before reading the instructions, but I did it nonetheless (:

Nice entry

What a clever idea for a twist, also the execution was very nice. The snake ai was amazing, it creates very fun and challenging scenarios. My length record was 64. Amazing job for being one of your first project, keep going (:

Very nice little game. I made it to the end of level 1,  I liked the western theme with time travellers xD, art and music were good. I think the camera should be centred at the player and the bullets bigger and more visible. Other that that, you did a very good job.

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Very nice entry. I love the artstyle, very colorful and retro, also the music was a blast! Sadly I could get to the second level, I don't know why. Here is my highscore. Nice job overall for a small team!

You did an amazing job. Just for pushing the pygame boundaries and making a 3d game with it it's just insane. I really like the music, and the game is very fun and tense (in a good way) and has an unique artstyle overall. Maybe a bit to hard to find a good run where rng doesn't spawns 17302 obstacles in front of you at once, but for 1 week of work, this was beyond excellent.