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A member registered Nov 28, 2023

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Is your other game over?

 What's Coming0.3

The game has not been heard for a long time, what difficulties have you encountered?

How to unlock the gallery of three girls in version 0.36? The three girls with the green background. I haven't unlocked it for a long time

Excuse me, if you just started playing, do you want Kate's papers stamped? There is no influence here on the following content. So how do I choose

There is another thing you didn't understand me, that is, will there be any new roles added in the future? Then spanking. I just said the frequency can be reduced. Haha, I didn't say to delete it.

That is, will there be new characters added to the plot in future versions? 😁😁, Whether you want to see if you want to add new characters according to the progress of the plot, or just add them.

The game is very good 😁, that is, the gallery has mixed storylines and H scenes, which is chaotic, causing me to travel quickly and have many scenes that are not unlocked. It would be nice to redo the gallery and change it to H scene CG. Is 2.0 the end of the game? Is there no update in the back?

Hi, dear author, a few questions 😊

1️⃣ There are only five gallery characters at present. Will there be any new characters to join in the future?

2️⃣ games are updated frequently, once a month and a half. There is a game next door with the same frequency as you. Both of you are in version 0.8 now. Guess which one of you will release 0.9 first? 😁 The author's link I put below you can click to see

I played the 

3️⃣ game before version 0.6, and the frequency of spanking is relatively high. I hope we can delete some points and change others in the future. After all, we are not violent masochists. I hope being nice to these girls can increase pregnancy and expression of emotion.

How many versions of the game are there, and when can you play for 6-7 hours without skipping? I hope the author continues to work 💪, it seems to be immature, so it is difficult for the game list to recognize its existence, maybe the version is too low.

Ask how many girls there are in the game at present, that is, the H scene of the protagonist and supporting actors. Are there any new roles in the future?

The story gallery seems to be not an H scene gallery, but a storyline gallery. Can fast travel unlock everything?

Haha, I thought I had to wait until May. I haven't played it since version 0.27. I want to wait for 4-5 versions to play. I think the time is ripe now

Is there a Chinese translation, can you make one? Android

The comment area seems to have not interacted for a year. Is the author still updating this game? When will the next update come out?

I thought I didn't update it here. It feels like I've been gone for a year reading the update log.

Hi, I'd like to ask you a few questions

1️⃣ Jessica's last scene, I tried to play it from the beginning 4 times, but it was not unlocked. Can the subsequent update reduce the difficulty a little 🥲 it should not be just me who missed this scene

2️⃣ Do the characters in this game have subdivisions of leading role and supporting role? The two dancing girls in the back are red and blue. I like the blue girl. His scene is so spicy. I hope to return to her later.

3️⃣ Where are we updated now, such as%, after a month's rest in November, is our next episode expected to appear in May and June from January to now



The comfort cafe next door is updated in January, and the update speed here is very fast every month and a half. Both of you are in version 0.8 keep on cheering. Looking forward to the gallery in Chapter 10, haha 😜 I will share it to let more people know about this game and let everyone know that this game exists because the plot is really great. Although there is no modeling quality like the eternal world, the plot is very good and it deserves publicity.

Hey, are there only three characters so far? I stopped playing when I got to 0.6. I want to wait for 0.10 before I plan to see what the content is 😊

 12 位女神是指角色有 12 位吗? 还有我发现一个问题,在白色场景中有些画质渲染太白了导致有点失真泛白。特别是一些白色场景和白色角色重叠起来

The game modeling quality is good. It is recommended to add a gallery 👌

The absence of galleries seems to be a drawback

Just make the color transparent, the font is black, so it doesn't affect reading or visual effect

距离你上次 7 月份发布到现在好久没有公告了,我以为游戏放弃了

V11版目前已经在创作了吗,我期待 11 再玩,我只玩到了 0.8 版本

Haha, I hope you can continue to cheer. This is the fastest game I found updated. One more month refuels 💪

When will the finished version be finished

I couldn't get through the darkness all the time, and then I uninstalled the game. It's too dark. Fumbling hurts your eyes.

好久呀,我以為 3-4 個月差不多了

Let's wait for the test results on the 31st, go

This month is coming to an end. Can you update it before Chinese New Year? Chinese New Year is still two weeks away.

There is a game author who is looking for a Chinese translator to translate his game called Heroes and Villains. You can check it out.

I see your future plans lesbian, then are you still going out of NTR?

How many hours can the content of the game be played? I haven't downloaded it yet. I don't know how long the game has been made. I hope I can refuel

 Is CG static or dynamic? How much content is there about the female cowboy?

Translation: The language that the game supports depends on its scale. If your game can reach a highly playable version of 0.6 or 0.7, it will have many language supports. This is because the game is still small at the moment, so not many people are willing to translate it. I hope you will work hard to make the game bigger and stronger.

Yes, the game is still too small, and I hope that when it is almost finished, more players will pay attention to it and donate.
