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A member registered Feb 09, 2024

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(1 edit)

I love how the game slowly descends into horror territory.It fools you into believing this is a nice "Mario Kart" clone and then it gets dark pretty quick. :D

Very fascinating experience, but I'm getting tons of graphic errors and artifacts. At first I thought it was just part of the game, but I saw other captures on Youtube, and I think these are genuine graphic bugs.

Interesting art project. Reminds me of some more experimental 1990s games. Also has a "dead online world" vibe to it. Might revisit it. Found out about the different daytime and map menus too late. :)

At one point the screen turns black (after the body puzzle starts), I guess I'm supposed to switch on the flashlight, but I can't. The key does not work.

Yeah, this happened to me to when I transported the first dismembered arm as well. its just parented to the gun apparently. This happened the last time to me in Cyberpunk 2077 of all places. :D