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A member registered Nov 12, 2016

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Don't have discord :P


Any dedicated 0,87 servers out there?


Hi Spektor,

On mob to mob combat, I think WASD would be much better. Can you leave the option to use WASD in the game?

The art looks cool. I am sure you can expand well beyond it eventually though.



I understand you want to make money with it. You should do what you have to do I guess. If you can find an artist a space version that would be great though. Hope it looks a bit like FTL though.


I get the whole copyright thing but the models beings spaceships seems essential for the sci-fi style of the game(The whole jumping from sector to sector thing). Why do you need steam to sell the game? If the FTL devs won't allow you to use the sprites if you want to go on steam. I'd say just sell it without steam. Or maybe find someone who wants to make models for a space game if you NEED it to go on steam. I have to say that I am very disappointed. I guess I will look at the game but I can't say that as a submarine game I will be buying it.


(1 edit)

Hi Spektor

Me and my friends fully support your game and will be making it our next major LAN game. I had a question about what your priorities are for the next update right now. My friends and I would really like to see skills and races in the game as well as on board combat. We also would like to see some different tasks that can be done on the ship because we don't always have something to do for everyone on the ship(Edit: drone controll, hacking, cloacking, crew teleporter systems?). Maybe new enemies like rebels? Anyway, that's just some ideas but you don't have to do anything with them.

Keep doing what you're doing,
