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A member registered Sep 23, 2019

Recent community posts

(3 edits)

Hello there! I'm looking for 2D Artists and Music Composer for the upcoming Ludum Dare 56 jam.

Jam will begin in October 4th and will run for 48 hours. Theme will be announced when the jam starts. I'll likely make some kind of 2D Action game with good little story, but we may brainstorm together if you want, I'm open to suggestions.

If you don't know what Ludum Dare is -

Let's connect and become friends! My Discord - xpmonster

I also have Discord server where we'll be doing team chatting -

UPDATE: I found people for the jam, but if you're interested in making a bigger project, I do have a game you may be interested in :)

Great art! I like your style. 

I reached out on Discord. Looking for an artist for the upcoming Ludum Dare 56 in October. Let me know if you're interested, cheers :)

That's the best light i've seen in Construct.

Definitely will try implementing that into my game! Just have to make sure performance is ready for this. 

For the time being, search for new collaborators is halted,  but I will be returning searching for sound-designers & composers later.

Thanks to everyone who reached out! Our art department is a go!

Apparently I've forgot to renew website and as a result my email was inaccessible. 

All fixed now. If you used it to contact me, please resend your message.

My apologies for inconvenience!

No hurt in trying. Contact me via Discord - XpMonster#2531

Thank you :)

If you say so! Thank you for taking interest.

I wish you a good fortune :)

Hi. Depends if you would be able to adapt to the art style? 

In your case, I suppose it is more question of will than skill, because I believe you can do it! You have a good portfolio!

Salt & Sanctuary is the closest reference I found for the art style. Take separate art pieces on the attached screenshot - candles, hanging bodies, main character, boss, background wall.  Artstyle here isn't that difficult, definetely lower in quality of what my local artist could draw, but is on the quality level I can see in my project.  

My goal with art is to deliver the right message. Pursuing top notch 2D art for the sake of having it is pointless.

I want to achieve stylized 2D art which let's you immerse with the world. Nothing more. Nothing less. 

Another update to the document - Crash Course Into E.X-World (LINK)

I included information about Universe & Story. 

Document will be kept updated as I intend to show it to all people who decide to join. 

(1 edit)

Want to add more info.  

I am able to direct visual work and lead the art team in one direction. 

If you're a traditional painter, art school student or self-taught artist  - feel free to contact me if you're interested, but only with serious intentions & preferably with artstyle similar to the references in the post.

Right now, here is the unique opportunity to prepare yourself while there is still time, but after Kickstarter I will be held responsible to deliver everything in time and good quality which is why 2 months from now I won't be able to accept you into the project unless you're a good artist with experience in game industry and work in the required artstyle. 

Also created document which would introduce to general info about project both in terms of tech & narrative while not spoiling anything too important - Crash Course Into E.X-World (LINK)

Let's create something truly great together!

(1 edit)

Not sure it would fit your artstyle! Would you like to try drawing in a different artstyle?  

Game has kinda dark atmosphere and it is important to draw almost oil-like to reflect dream aspect of it.  

(6 edits)

I'm working on a long-building story-driven 2D action platformer RPG game project named "E.X-World/ Dream Agent" set in the unique science-fiction universe with many thought provoking questions. Game does feature revisioned game-design elements similar to souls-like games. This particular story features elements of horror, but scaring players is not the goal. Game would be released for PC, Current & Next-Gen Consoles. Game is meant for people of adult mind. 

Setting to put it shortly - a dreamlike adventure with a bit of Matrix. While main story inside dream Program, there are flashbacks to the future of humanity (past for characters). 

Narrative in a nutshell is a clash between mental elevation & technological advancements

I do the visual programming (Construct 3), game-design, narrative & level-design. I tried to do art, but can't meet my expectations which makes me anxious haulting every other process. 

I'm looking for an artist who mostly draws concept-art like drawings, because the desired art style is closer to the games like Rayman Legends, Salt & Sanctuary & Ori and The Blind Forest. I will be able to provide description, examples & sometimes raw sketches for some stuff to create proper technical tasks for you. I definetely don't want to waste your time so I expect you to ask questions.

If you're looking for a project to build a career, earn money and make a name for yourself in the game industry this may be the project. 

If you have friend or friend of a friend who may be looking for a work like this then please let them know. 

I am taking this very seriously and I expect the same to grow in you. 

COMMON QUESTIONS (asked from your perspective)

How I will be paid for my work?

I have no way of funding development on my own unfortunately. So I'm planning to run Kickstarter campaign next year. 

If you don't have the rates set yet, this project would help you realize how much time & effort you're putting into this work to come up with the correct price. 

Job done before Kickstarter can be paid in two ways: 

1) Exact cost would be included in the Kickstarter campaign or in case of overfund. I would prefer keeping the funding goal as less as possible tho. 

2) Double of that cost would be given from the project's revenue. 

NOTE, you own 100% of the work you made for the project until you were paid for it. If you decide to withdraw from the project, your art would be completely removed from the game. 

What positions are available?

  • Character Artist - draw all kinds of creatures & portraits. Game will use Spriter for bone animations so it would be a benefit if you're familiar with it. 
  • Item Artist - draw loot for the characters: Swords, shotguns, keys, relics
  • Environmental Artist - draw solid objects on which character jumps, stuff with which he interacts (levers, ladders & etc.)
  • Background Artist - draw landscapes, clouds & etc. 
  • UI Artist - icons, bars, menus & etc. 
  • FX Artist - draw sprites for particles, explosions, fire & stuff like that. Knowing Construct 3 would be a plus. 

Perspective is closer to how it looks in Rayman & Ori and The Blind Forest.

I made a rough mock up for the general view two months back. 

I had my local artist a year ago drawing me this Cairn & Raven for the project which can now be used as reference of the artstyle I am going for

Raven including my animation made in Spriter. 

Extra positions (if you're not artist and reading this for any reason)

  • PR Management - I am looking for someone to spread the word about this project & to keep social pages active
  • Sound-Designer - not much work for sound-designers yet, but I do need one to deepen atmosphere of the game. 
  • Composer - work on music would likely start in 6-7 months. Currently I am interested to hear your portfolio & get rates. 
  • Visual Programmer (Construct 3) - only if you're very good with the engine then I may have parts which could be created separately from the main project: User Interface (Menu, Game Bars & etc) & A.I (Artificial Intelligence).

When contacting me, please include links to your portfolio. 

What if you decide to abandon project?

I've been conceptualizing my universe for 5 years and for 2 years tried to build it. Six months ago, I felt confident in my knowledge and finally made some great progress which continues to this day. 

This project is everything for me and to bring my universe onto the world is the purpose of my entire life. 

Is scope of your ambition too great?

The original game I was planning to make 2 years ago was very ambitious as I came to realize. This project is sort of a prequel to the story I was planning to make there and it is far less ambitious. I have removed everything that wasn't essential for the narrative and the narrative itself is far more contained. It won't let you understand the whole scale of the universe, but feel a tip of it which is sufficient for the first entry. 

State of the Narrative

Plot already finished. Story does have canon and non-linear endings, but they're not spread out so this doesn't make my job much more complex. Game itself offers freedom to move around in the location where your mission is and most of the game you can also return to your "hub" in the middle of your mission. Game is far more linear in the beginning & closer to the end. There is no cliffhangers and narrative is self-fulfilling, but there is much more to this story as you may realize with future titles. 

I add details while I work on the code and adjust GDD as getting game done right is more important to make people care for the story in my experience. I will dive into writing for 1/2 months to create scenario, when certain milestone in programming is reached. Hopefully this will be in like 4-5 months.  

Could I become full-time game developer with this project? 

As we get this project funded and then released I will be working on foundation of my game company - Deformer Games

If we both feel like our future collaboration could be fruitful then I would be glad to hire you as a full-time developer!

My hopes is to build a company you would call your family. A community you're looking forward to get back to. 

General Info about Project

I created document which would introduce to general info about project both in terms of tech & narrative while not spoiling anything too important - Crash Course Into E.X-World (LINK)

Contact me

Discord - XpMonster#2531

Having mic is essential in the long run.  

Discord Server -

Email -

Looking forward to hear from you!