I got the Handsanitizer and Lysol already working in a more complete version. They would have been here but the collisions were acting up and I wanted to make 100% sure NPCs were not spawning inside buildings and stuff before all else. I feel the final death state for the NPCs is crucial before adding the sanitizer and lysol because I do not want to make it to easy either so I figured NPCs can run around sick for a period of time then "die" at which point if you touch them you are dead no matter what.
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In order for the Score to be saved you have to be online sorry. I will add a local high scores in the future for players without internet. I currently have other stuff added like player inventory like Hand sanitizer for disinfecting yourself if you touch infected and Lysol for Disinfecting NPC temporarily to escape tight situations. I will place it here after judging is complete or if you wish I could send you a copy of the updated game elsewhere.
Things TODO:
Local scores
Lysol [complete]
Death state for the NPCs in which when they touch you no Lysol or handsanitizer can help its game over. It should push progression forward and keep the game interesting over time increasing difficulty as time goes on.
I had accidentally left the health system deactivated on upload. Only way to exit is to click the Nuclear symbol on the top left which destroys your game, Erasing the Exe file for total destruction. Originally their was two planned outcomes. Shiva was to destroy you and your world, Or it was up to you, the player to destroy your world. Either way, after a play through all was to be destroyed and nothing left.
I had originally planned so much more with this game however problems and bugs slowed the progress and Gamejams being what they are I was forced to release it in a bugged unfinished version. The health system was sadly deactivated about an hour before upload and I forgot to turn it back on so the only way to exit the game is to click the Nuke symbol in the Top left corner which results in everything being erased. The Game is destroyed and it is all your fault ;)
I personally started working on a video that I intended to put on Youtube showing the construction and what not of what was to be my submission but due to reasons I had on multiple levels from Hardware, Personal, and most importantly of all just making a couple bad decisions which under the fast pace nature of a game jam set me back beyond recovery.
I have instead decided what i am going to do is finish up the Game engine that I am working on and making it more GJ ready for next time. Since I already have the Video clips and am still writing the engine perhaps it would not be a bad idea for me to do the video despite the mistakes I made that lead to not completing the Jam because in all honesty the mistakes I made would be more important for someone to learn from then a simple video showing the games instructions in the first place. I could continue the video showing the construction of the GameEngine for future projects if anyone is interested.