Game is great the little I've played. I told the dev this already but I think the saving issue is a header issue. I was able to change it and it saves but had palette issues then. Maybe someone more familiar with how to set up iNES headers could get it working better.
So playing the gbc one on the LRG Cart I'm stoked that I can get more people to play this and now will get the Playdate game too! Thanks for making cool stuff!
This game is really fun. Playing on Analogue Pocket, need to figure out how to make it do native cart saves but I'll probably try it on an everdrive. Love the look
Any updates on a physical for this game? I found the original because of the Incub8 listing but from comments here it seems to be shelved. Anything you can follow up with on this?
Got the cart instead lol. Definitely would be a great option for a .pocket release if its built on the latest gb studio. If not I have some resources to help with a patch if you want.
Pretty cool game. What kind of carts are you building up to sell these? I'm interested but was curious if it was your own build or if you were getting the boards from somewhere.
Game seems pretty fun, hard to play in the browser though so I'll need to move to emulator. Any chance of a release for Analogue Pocket? Not sure what version of GB Studio this was built on.
So I was playing this and had a dumb idea, on a potential cart release an LED that lights up the cart when the lights are on vs off. Either way love this game.