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A member registered Apr 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey guys, sorry to interrupt your discussion, but i wanted to ask, when or if there is already an approvement link availabe ? or maybe someone can tell me when i should approve it, it would be cool to know, so that im online then. best regards 

approved :) thanks for setting this up :)


Before the actual bundle is created, a game jam introduces the respective bundle. However, it's not about the game jam itself or creating a game, but rather about gathering the specific items you want to submit during the jam period. After that, the bundle is created, but it still requires your approval, and EVERY PARTICIPANT MUST APPROVE IT, otherwise, the bundle cannot go live. That's why it's essential to provide your correct email address during the bundle jam, or we might not be able to reach you for approval. You will receive a special link for this. IMPORTANT: This link will only work if you are logged into BEFORE you click on the approvement link! Once all participating members of a the bundle have approved the bundle will be visible to the public! The average time a bundle is running is approx one or two months. Once this time is over the bundle won't be able to be bought anymore!

We're still waiting on itch to replay on the equal revenue sharing, at moment the point is: ive set the revenue sharing to automatically set to an equal value , but im not sure if it really is i need  itch's staffs answer first. Furthermore im trying to reach staff via itch discord. The ticket nr is: "233967", just in case you want to show up on itch discord #meta channel and help me trying to force them to fix our problem. 

 (this invite link to itch discord #meta channel won't expire)


I urgently recommend to everyone to accept better sooner then later, as once itch replies the bundle would be ready to launch instantly, but if we're aren't mostly through with the approvement-phase until then, of course not. ONLY IN CASE EVEYONE ACCEPTS A BUNDLE CAN LAUNCH, you know what im saying, else we're still stuck in the waiting-matrix, even though itch changed the revenue sharing to an excat two numbers percentage for everyone in the meantime. The sooner we are able to launch the bundle, the better, which is in all our interrest im assuming, but i give my word that the bundle WON'T LAUNCH before everything gets an equal piece of the cake :)

 Best Regards & Peace <3 -X-ScornGames

(4 edits)


Before the actual bundle is created, a game jam introduces the respective bundle. However, it's not about the game jam itself or creating a game, but rather about gathering the specific items you want to submit during the jam period. After that, the bundle is created, but it still requires your approval, and EVERY PARTICIPANT MUST APPROVE IT, otherwise, the bundle cannot go live. That's why it's essential to provide your correct email address during the bundle jam, or we might not be able to reach you for approval. You will receive a special link for this. IMPORTANT: This link will only work if you are logged into BEFORE you click on the approvement link! Once all participating members of a the bundle have approved the bundle will be visible to the public! The average time a bundle is running is approx one or two months. Once this time is over the bundle won't be able to be bought anymore!

We're still waiting on itch to replay on the equal revenue sharing, at moment the point is: ive set the revenue sharing to automatically set to an equal value , but im not sure if it really is i need  itch's staffs answer first. Furthermore im trying to reach staff via itch discord. The ticket nr is: "233967", just in case you want to show up on itch discord #meta channel and help me trying to force them to fix our problem.  


(this invite link to itch discord #meta channel won't expire)


I urgently recommend to everyone to accept better sooner then later, as once itch replies the bundle would be ready to launch instantly, but if we're aren't mostly through with the approvement-phase until then, of course not. ONLY IN CASE EVEYONE ACCEPTS A BUNDLE CAN LAUNCH, you know what im saying, else we're still stuck in the waiting-matrix, even though itch changed the revenue sharing to an excat two numbers percentage for everyone in the meantime. The sooner we are able to launch the bundle, the better, which is in all our interrest im assuming, but i give my word that the bundle WON'T LAUNCH before everything gets an equal piece of the cake :)

 Best Regards & Peace <3 -X-ScornGames

hey just wanted to ask, when or if at all there will be a bundle(approvement) soon  ?

I also updated our bundles ultimate page where you can always see if there is a submission for bundles or a bundle running as well as all info you ll need im sure :D

(3 edits)

in the meantime:

the bundle will end in approx 2 hours, its the last chance for all submission to take part in the Ultimate Of 300 Bundle (four, three or two bundle with 130 different indie developers all over the world  involved with over 300 games submitted within not Even a week. Great Job Guys and Ladies  i wish us all best luck and ill let yall here know if ever tigerJ would be up to support us again, also i really love his streams a grea texperience, check it out if you can always on saturdays

best regards & peace ❤️


Detailed Description about Co-Op Bundles and about using Gamesjames for Bundle Submissions in case there are still some qustions left :)

(1 edit)

hey there, thanks for stating your opinion :) well from my perspective two bundles would propably be perfelctly fine i just have to see if all the games fit together in one bundle gotta check how much devs are for games,, how many for tools and stuff and then do some math and come back to yall

(2 edits)

we did it (again ;)) congratulations to everyone and big thanks for joining us / until tomorrow at 08:30 AM there is still some time left to submit, we crossed the 300 already :D Then I will close the submission finally and start creating the bundle(s) the following days so in case you want to add some more games its really the last chance 😉

BTW: IMPORTANT: As you all may have noticed we crossed 100 members of the bundle which leads us to a problem the amount of the revenue sharing system of doesnt support this percentage, so we came up with the idea to create two bundles instead of one 300 so it will be like this:

Ultimate 300 Bundles: Gamer Edition: i think we can get at least all pc games in one bundle and can split the revenue equally

Ultimate 300 Bundles: Developer Edition: contains all assets, tools, soundtracks,maybe zines (?)  and ttrpg respectively physical games (?)

OR we create three bundles and the last would be some kind collection of the "best of" games which would include all kind of games also phycical ones and ttrpg, zines but NO ASSETS and TOOLS , Soundtracks

Let me know what you think, i'D be happy to hear your opinions :)

Best Regards & Peace <3

hey there, thanks so much for joining us :) Do you want to submit your game(s) as well, at the moment you just joined the jam. its important for me, to keep an overview and that no game gets forgotten when i put togther the actual bundle :) Best regards!

Hey there, thank you so much for telling me, im really sorry, this game was removed, i did somehow oversee that contains adult contain which is forbidden in the bundle, so you might add your games again :) Best regards

(1 edit)

hey there, thanks for your response :) yeah its more ment like it would be nice to submit more, but one is also perfectly okay its no coercion :)) best regards :))


a unity plugin would be awesome indeed :)

Hey, seems like a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

Hey, seems like a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

Hey, this is also a very cool game, would be extremely cool if you'd also submit it . If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

DiabLoot community · Created a new topic Request

Hey, a really awesome effort for a first game, so i wanted to tell you that it  would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

Hey, seems like a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

Hey, seems like a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

Hey, seems like a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

(2 edits)

In this difficult hour, we thank the divine quanta that LILA stands in the name of all humanity against the horrific attackers from an infinitely distant dimension called heaven, namely the inhuman religious blocks. LILA is an absolutely merciless and deadly secret society agent, the only one to have survived the nearly impossible training of the secret society X.  A feat that no one before or after her has accomplished. The enemies, who have already begun their annexation, manifested as crystalline religious blocks possessing utterly inhuman abilities. If anyone can banish this heavenly threat, it can only be LILA. Let us beseech the divine quanta to stand by LILA in this difficult moment!

Download Here:

Hey, seems like a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

Hey, seems like a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

Hey, seems like a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3