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A member registered Jul 16, 2021

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you get me

I saw someone else do it, so here's suggestions from myself!!

Side desk, like to put next to the couch

coffee table (maybe make it so we can set things on top, like if we had a small flower pot)

maybe a chair the cats can sit on at the desk?

rotate items so they face where we want

kitties get angry if you give them too much attention

rare kitties that are based on made up entities (vampires, angels, zombies, medusa, lit anything you like)

human kitchen stuff for kitties to jump around and play on (since there is tile, i thought itd be nice)

litter boxes and if you wanna add the mechanic of cleaning trash can !!

straws as an option for toys bc for some reason cats LOVE straws !!

personally, i believe it should  be easier to get coins or things should be lower in price.

mini games !! instead of lowering the price, you can add mini games!! a lot of cat-game creators think like oh put those basic minigames like the switch blocks -- which is fine -- but it'd be a cool mechanic to be able to clean the kitties and do other things to take care of them and maybe a minigame
close up of playing or petting?

following the last one, a bathtub, and possibly if you like other bathroomy things !!

walls !! only issue w/ walls is that the kitties do get stuck on random things a lot like food bowls n stuff that is solid

the ability to add/remove/move plants like trees, and maybe there can be a mechanic to plant trees and flowers and over time of playing the game they grow?

insects would be really fun, like if there were flies flying around and moths attracted to lamps, and maybe kitties can chase them too. itd also be cool if there was a chance for a kitty to find an insect and make a bubble with a (!) and if you click it fast enough you get a little scene and you can capture a bug in a jar (kinda like fishing in stardew valley)
last one would be adding onto the other persons suggestion of a shelf!! we could put jars on shelves (with sticks and stuff inside, like theres automatically a terrarium to fit the kind of bug inside and its little pixels of colour far away

cool bugs to capture suggestion : any kind of mantis (pref orchid mantis imo :3), stick bugs, fire flies, beetles, moths, butterflies, dragon flies, lady beetles, crickets, bees, CENTIPEDES AND MILIPEDES !!!!!! (my fav besides mantis'), ect

also, you could add an option to disable bugs.

insects have a possibility to put multiple in one jar based on the size of the jar and insect (like once you catch one it has an option of what jar to add it to, so like you buy the jars and then decide what one to put them into, and ofc there should be bigger jars and maybe you could add a tank for many bugs, fish, snakes, ect that the cats would interact with.)

auto feed for wet foods

maybe make walls more visible and items to mount on the wall

kitty playgrounds or outside things to jump on

sandbox and maybe there can be a brush to clean up messes kitties make if they track stuff out of the box or if they spill food or water or if (piggy backing off of other idea) they use the bathroom outside of the kitty box (and since that is a kinda gross mechanic you can add an disable option)

twister. i dont need to explain.

stupid silly idea : music box and once it plays music cats start dancing like parrots in minecraft. jk, but itd be cool to add an option to put on music.

Past kitties come back (specifically bc i was afk and missed some really funny kitties)

page you can click as a tutorial/faq of how to do things that either pops up when you start and you can click out of or theres a button to click into it if you are lost or forget somthing since many people get confused as i can see in the comments.

thats all i can think of rn !! i really really love this game and would love to watch it evolve <33

ngl i am using the "kittygrass" as catnip bc it feels like thats what its based off imo because they sit in it lol

drag your screen to the side


I keep messing up and adding wrong ingredients, i think there should be a restart button (because you wouldnt be able to 'go back' making coffee, but you can always dump it out and remake it !!!

fourth time playin'

you should make an endless version!

put medicine back NOT THE PHONE CREDIT and when youre havin a panic attack clench the pen and then let go and let yourself cry and then click one of the no or u cant and then you find the medicine and then youll automatically text your partner and theyll come home early and save you (thats what i did)

I wanna be paper white pale like that 😿😿😿

Okay, I definitely will thanks!!

I made gway (although it isnt obvious)

I dont have any chrome extentions so I'm not sure why it won't work:(

it wont load for me:(

i feel like after a promotion verbal warnings should reset

(1 edit)

should i try to make this bread irl


it would be pretty cool to see some things to do after work like go to the store or maybe she can go to the conference room if the play feels bold enough to take the risk of loosing alot of time

second time playing the game i love the characters so much my favorite is totally Nyragh EEEEEEEEK

(1 edit)

i need more please pelase please pelase im dieing i love him so much GIMMIE MORE I BEG


i use my phone and still cant put it one 💀💀

the thing wont load-



I love the voice I could listen to it all day lol

humans cant go there *yet*

add a pause because i have to keep losing progress from having to do stuff

love it lma

its really good and really short gj <

first comment? :D

i wanna date akano please? idc if he tortures me lo

if its cold then a demon is more likely to appear ex probably the "visitor" and if its warm its less likely (I feel professional lol)