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A member registered Apr 28, 2020

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Jesus on a Kawasaki H2R, Fire... RIGHT WHEN I GET BUSY REPLAYING THE ENTIRETY OF LUCKY PARADOX (stopped around 0.9 or thereabouts, now the whole damn game is on it's final stretch to be finished), you decide to drag me back to a peaceful place full of nekos. You absolute heathen...

Jokes aside, I better get my ass back to ch2 'cause I don't remember a single thing. Replayed ch1 enough times to memorize everything, but 2 is my weakness. 

Wait, the first chapter of MNF2 might be sooner than we think? HOW LONG HAVE I SLEPT? LMAO 

Working as a night guard is really messing with my perception of time, it seems. Now I'm even more eager to get back into MNF and see where it goes from the first game. 

Although out of context, that is a manly, respectable mustache. So all the context needed is already there. Kinda... 

Sasha is always the one making things complicated, as usual with white haired multiversal girls. We all have that one friend who's like that lol btw try to avoid burning yourself out, man. It's a good flow and you deserve praise for your commitment which we don't see in AAA devs of nowdays who get anywhere from 5 to 6 figures paychecks, but at the same time it's no reason to kill yourself over it. 

No secret code? Boo, now I'm sad... 

Anyway, I didn't even know the game was coming to an end. I was always suspicious of Sasha as usual with character who are overly helpful and resourceful (at least in ways that can help the main character, in her case she can help with knowledge) when they could simply use everyone to their further their objectives (I HOPE she won't do that?). 

As for Lucky I always had the impression that he was simply the guy that set everything in motion, with Anton being our beacon into the deeper end of the pool that is both this and the alternate Argleton, but he's connected to everything? As in... everything? This brings me back to that one scene with Mary a few ways into her story (can't remember if it's before or after Lucky gets the firefly and is able to make her and Maxy swap... places? Dimensions? Whatever is the appropriate term) in which we see Lucky as this ghostly figure who has joined... the machine or whatever it was (it has been a while since I last played, please don't judge my brain and it's lack of memory). 

I'm really curious to see exactly how far down this rabbit hole will go. Might as well finish my save up to the latest update while I wait to see how crazy it already is, if it is at all. As long as no black-haired girls wearing mostly green clothing appear, I'll feel relatively safe. 

I recently completed my first playthrough of the triology and well... I can see why people didn't like ME3 regardless of the endings added at a later date and can't see why people like ME2 so much. So... I'm very divided.

Can't say I know that story, now you made me curious

There's something buried under youPraise be!God is dead

This talk about cycle gives me Mass Effect vibes, but I could be tripping. 

If I'm not, maybe this all means that some form of threat is coming Lucky's way

If you want to be lead by the hand, that's on you my dude. Like I said the game is fine, not GREATEST OF ALL TIME, but simply... fine :D

So we're going the FULL Lessons in Love route, holy shit XD

Last post already made me excited for whatever mindfuckery is coming up, you don't need to sell it any further. I stand by my last statements and statements from other users which I agreed with: the red flags are known, once we see them we'll know Lucky is fucked through and through. 

I knew that there was going to be much more than Lucky just casually living without a reflection or without an alternate on the other side. But as of now, I don't know what to expect other than literal worldbreaking events, not in the "bugged game" sense but intentional script choices. Bring it on, Stawer, we want the LORE.

I have but one thing to say: Chill the fuck out

(1 edit)

Praise be!

Also, random smiley faces. If we start seeing random smiley faces in the enviroment and/or dialogue, that's another good sign we're fucked. After all... this city has two halves.

I didn't even bother translating the stuff in LiL lol at a certain point I just kept moving foward, trying to not turn the wrong corner at the wrong time and either get my ass stuck inside a room full of clocks or finding a girl nailed to a cross, y'know... average everyday shit

OR if people suddenly start saying things along the lines of "god is dead", "praise be" or "there's something buried under you".

If Lucky ends up in a room full of clocks, we know he's fucked. 

(1 edit)

While I can agree about the despisable MC, the game is fine. Decent horror. 

Then again, Lucky's alternate is already dead as far as I remember in the story. If I'm not mistaken there's a reveal that Anton swapped his alternate with Lucky's, then when Velvet (or whatever his name was) died, Lucky lost his reflection 'cause he's dead but not exactly. Can't remember what was Anton's fate, something about "the Machine".

Maybe we have some really bad news heading our way, or a genius twist in the story. 

Dunno what I like more, the whole design, with the sword and shield as a bit of a callback about the various talks about Rin and Kat being the king's weapons OR the elegant jiggle physics... not to mention that, if the hallway is anything go by, she's very tall which is another positive and I imagine it comes from Rin in her Dragon Mom- I MEAN Fury form.

Jokes aside, super cat girl is looking cool as fuck. 

KIA as in Killed in Action? If it is, could be talking about Lucky's alternate, not Lucky himself.

This is the moment when:

1 - Lucky Paradox goes full Lessons in Love, full of twists and mindfuck moments (not in the nice way)


2 - Kumon-mi (the city where LiL takes place) and Argleton (the one we play in, not the alternate where Velvet is from) intersect with each other and everything comes crashing down. 

Either way, I'm all for it. Just started replaying LP after a long time, ever since 0.7 or thereabouts due to my switch from android to my laptop (kind of PC? It runs like a beetroot but it works). 

I swear to the void, if I don't get a tall dragon mommy scene with Rin in this update... I'll wait for the next update, I guess. Not much else I can do about that :/

Jokes aside, shouldn't have ever let the trolls derail your peace in the first place, Fire. Mfs got nothing else to do, chronically online idiots the lot of them. In fact, the way they troll nowdays makes the old days of 4chan seem like the finest digital art. Focus on your craft, those who support it and nothing else. 

There is method to my madness ~The Fire, N2

I love that sentence, gonna use it everytime I come up with a crazy headcanon story and ending for an OC in a RPG game from now on. 

Well, if Ana is anything like Cammie, it's gonna be playground insults or lower. Unless by "mean bitch" you mean powerful as fuck, if it was then WELL... I'm not worried, MC has a literal etheral wolf companion/lover who shows up whenever he's pissed, and an army of nekos that come together to become Super Neko (and Trina, having a cute fox always helps even if she's not fighting). 

Wait, people have been asking about THIS? I for one have been actually in the middle of an existential crisis asking myself if me from Serenity and me from LH were the same me as me everywhere else (it makes sense if you don't think too much about it), but THIS is important?

Honestly, just goes to show your growth as a developer and storyteller: you didn't talk (or in this case, wrote), you've shown. I got the general idea, but some didn't. That's fine, sometimes people get used to dialogue and narration being shoved down their throats (I mean, Milky Touch is there). 

Btw, I'm slowly recovering from said existential crisis through Baldur's Gate 3. But given that an LH update has dropped, you'll probably send me back into the same spiral won't you? I hate you, but also I love you and stay safe, take care of yourself.

Thank fuck it was posted on April Fools... not "kink"-shaming anyone but, bro... y'all make even incest look innocent.

We have a saying in my country, Killer. In translation it goes like: those who don't owe don't fear. And you don't owe nothing to either these mfs making false claims or to the law itself, since you're no criminal. Just go there with your head straight, tell the truth and get out. Perhaps these guys will finally see the obvious, see that they just raided a random guy who works as a full-time game developer and not some Dark Web overlord running auctions of child pornography or whatever the fuck they claim you are. 

Chaotic tsundere... *shivers* *Lessons in Love-based PTSD kicks in*  and I thought I had dealt with enough back then... *AHEM* Anyway, what a wild ride of thoughts you took us on, Fire. First things first, based on how the story's progressing in Serenity Ch2, I believe 9 episodes is the perfect length. And you'll even spoil people with the multiple choices to fit (most) individual tastes. So I don't think you'll see people complaining about it (much). Same about Last Human, I believe. Overall I see a very successfull and fullfiling end to those two projects. 

About the possible stories for the two next games, they're interesting to say the least. Story 1 kind of brings me Yakuza franchise vibes mostly due to "big guy with a big heart" trope, even if there'll be 0 mafia stuff in the story. A nice life sim is always good, sometimes they can teach us a thing or two, even AVN ones.

As for this so called "Viral Affair" I can't say I've ever seen any game like it in the 5 years I've been playing AVNs (didn't play THAT MANY but you get my point... I think). I can think of a few ways the story can be either heartwarming in a slow progression to... I don't know... finding a cure while falling in love with the main girl on the way (maybe), OR turn into a terrifying experience should you give us the option to turn down the feelings of the main girl, unleashing the actual psychotic nightmare a yandere really is hiding under their low-key possessive behavior, added to said deadly virus she carries.

BUT these are thoughts and discussions for the future, I believe. Whatever you decide to do, I know for sure you'll pour your very soul on to it and gives us joy, sadness, tension, the complete joyride just like Serenity (in it's current form) and Last Human. 

Honestly, if people start getting on your ass over taking time with the update, just remind them of the dozens of AAA games that were ruined because of developers bending their knees to either pressure from publishers or players themselves. Alongside with a calm and polite "shove it up your ass" if they don't shut the fuck up. 

Take your time, Fire. 

I don't wanna say that I got turned on by a tall cat girl...

But I got turned on by a tall cat girl... I need to go to church

I can feel that the old Fire is back (pun intended and not intended at the same time. Dunno how, but... yea) just from the straight up way you wrote this log, no BS, straight to the point, mind on the fade, the shade, the white and dark flames, Rin's boo- no, not that. 

Can't say much else other than I'm excited to meet the new girl and see the development of this plot involving the dark flame. Meeting the Fade Mother/Queen/Goddess was a heart-shaking moment, both in the excitement of meeting such an important figure, and in the heartwarming, slow and almost mysterious way we're thrown into the scene itself. For the MC, she's only known by name and history, nothing else. But for... Milanna(?) (I'm either misspelling her name or giving the completely wrong one) is a relief, it almost felt like she was greeting a long lost lover and her last hope of life at the same time. 

Gotta say though, out of all the girls who gonna say a brief goodbye, Mom's gonna hit me the hardest. It always felt like Karen was a guide, a safe place. I probably feel that way 'cause I lived my entire life without such a figure... but anyway. My hope is that this will open space for characters like Jas, who's the literal counselor of the King, if my Serenity lore doesn't fail me. And even before ascending she was already the big, brainiac sister that kept everyone together. 

On a side note, I'm kind of curious on that "misread prophecy" bit  of yours. I know it was a reference, but even then, It wouldn't surprise me if the MC found a way around what has to happen to a certain character in order for him to reveal the dark flame. Or maybe it would, since I had already come to terms with the possibility of what needs to happen to said character. 

Well, I'm gonna shut my big, fat bread hole and get back to playing through Last Human again to the most recent update (because... well... reasons!) and see the little sneak peeks you mentioned at what's going on in the island. Stay safe, Fire!

Dezzy looking mighty fine in that render, I kid you not. Also, who's stupid enough to think Serenity was straight up abandoned? At one of it's highest points? I mean, I see REALLY stupid mfs in my day-to-day job at a bookstore (not a bookworm myself, not at all, Jasmine would slap me out of shame) but this goes beyond. My guess is that they didn't read those "last minute" reports that you put out explaining the entire situation, unlike other devs who just say "fuck it". Just go with your own flow, Fire. You still have plenty of people backing you up (patrons or otherwise) and you know it. Stay strong!

I'm sure that a lot of people will be whining about the longer planning and coding needed for these optional routes, but knowing the AVN community like I know it after more than 4 years playing those, this is the ONLY logical and humanly possible way to literally please everyone (i.e. people that like or don't mind lesbian scenes and people that don't like those at all and treat it as NTR/Sharing content {for some fricking reason}). If my opinion as someone who isn't a patron counts, I say go for it.

I gotta say, once you take a close look at it, the render DOES look good with the improved hs. Totally fine with it being the canvas for MNF2, especially because it reminds me a bit of Once In a Lifetime, a game that was good in terms of renders and stuff.

The kind that hopefully will meet a solid end at some point. The way things are going, he should be aware to not let this turn into another Ecchi Sensei. Too many characters, too many storylines, too much "open" world to develop and a planned script that, according to his words, will take literal years to meet it's planned end. 

(2 edits)

A teaser? Already? B O I  you movin' fast.

Edit: just watched it and the girl... well... she looks... different. I mean, duh of course she looks different, it's supposed to be a completely new girl, I think? Even if she's a fusion/amalgamation(isthisevenaword?). But her concept is a bit... cliche? What I mean is, we already have more than three warriors, the main one being Rin and the other ones being other girls who have the beef to throw a few punches (Marissa included). So, personally, I was kind of hoping for something completely different. Like a concept that goes beyond everything we've already seen: big, beefy fighers like Rin or fancy, classy, sexy spellcasters like Morgan and Jas.  Doesn't mean that I don't like her though! In fact I'm curious about everything regarding her and how the Fade (and Fade herself) are going to explain all of this. I think Mom will have a lot to say as well? 

After watching so many vtuber clips, I literally can't hear anything in gifs besides shylily's womp womp sounds. 

Petition to get an orca girl in Serenity right awa-

Judging by the massive improvement in skill you had over the course of the last updates, I can see just how great and mindblowing these next episodes will be. The last episode of Serenity answered quite a lot of my questions (some of which you adressed yourself without spoiling before the release), but now I have even more of them. And these "darker themes"... oh, boy we gonna explore the "fun" sides of human nature aren't we. 

Damn you, Fire, now I want to play Serenity all over again... for what... the FIFTH FUCKIN' TIME???? DAMN YOU TO THE VOID FOR MAKING SUCH A GOOD GAME. 

If you plan on adding lore related stuff to these "care packages", make sure to give a heads up in advance. A lot of people will drop the game as soon as they hear about it, yes, and that's the idea. Just asking for your honesty.

Judging by what we've seen in the last few scenes of the game in the last update, I can think of a few ironic names such as "The Devil" as in "the devil is in the details", the subtle little details about the MC. 

Now that I think about it, I do remember Karen refering to him  as "ruler of the void" at one point (can't remember if it was before or after she is actually written in Serenity in her true self, but Ido remember this one piece of dialogue). So it was kind of specified, you just have to be damn attentive to dialogue itself and connect dots every now and again. 

Soooo if I had to guess... (and I have to, for now) I'd say shade magic was probably never really linked to evil and/or negative things, at least not until dark writting began. Because Shade herself isn't evil and never was, she doesn't want to plot against the king or anything, she just wants balance. And since shade magic is ALSO focused on lust (I previously thought it was purely focused on negative feelings and thoughts), I imagine that it's origin also isn't necessarily linked to any form of "primal evil". But I can't quite imagine what it would take to create the opposite form of magic to fade, which by itself originates from something even more mysterious and could very well be involved. 

I've actually been thinking about this exact point of the lore: how all three sources of magic came to be. I imagined some Big Bang-esque event in which whatever form of chaotic magic that existed was broken down into three components, the ones we know today as two sources of magic that are entirely opposite to each other and a third component that, from what I understand, can give control over both...? Because with the sometimes (by that I mean often) clunky plot points of Ch1, it was never really specified what the white flame can and can't do. Sometimes people would tell us that it can do anything and sometimes they'd tells us that it has several limitations. 

To this day, after playing through Ch1 three times, I still don't understand if the MC is or is not the ruler over both Fade and Shade. By that I mean if he could learn to control shade magic if he wanted to, something that would be extremely useful in avoiding what Cammie and Mia did to him. One because he'd have more control over his feelings and therefore more resistance to the shade, and two because he'd be able to see someone setting a trap like Mia's from eons away just by feeling that very familar magic. Or, worst case scenario, would be more than capable to break himself out of said trap using shade magic. All in all I do hope that Fade and Shade themselves get some time in the update so we can learn even more about the magic and about them as well, 'cause I also wanna know what they truly are. Just angels? Goddesses that are the very sources of magic personified? Something deeper? And just how sexy can Shade's english accent possibly be? 

Wait a minute, ignore that last one-