Does this game have a discord page or something like that?
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Recent community posts
I like this game. No, wait! I LOVE this game! At first I tought the blocks would just float, but after seeing them falling… my god it was amazing.
The only boring part was that the map was always the same everytime you start a new game. It would be really nice to have a randomly generated city. What do you think?
Read tiny's description.
Copy and paste this file explorer path
C:\Users\*Your username*\AppData\Local\Tiny Life\Custom Households
And then, at the Custom Households folder, make a new text file, and copy paste the following sentence:
{"ExportedVersion":"0.20.4","Members":[{"CurrentActions":[],"ActionQueue":[],"Needs":{"Energy":{"Type":"Energy","LowTime":"00:00:00","Value":100000.0},"Hunger":{"Type":"Hunger","LowTime":"00:00:00","Value":100000.0},"Social":{"Type":"Social","LowTime":"00:00:00","Value":100000.0},"Toilet":{"Type":"Toilet","LowTime":"00:00:00","Value":100000.0},"Hygiene":{"Type":"Hygiene","LowTime":"00:00:00","Value":100000.0},"Entertainment":{"Type":"Entertainment","LowTime":"00:00:00","Value":100000.0}},"Skills":{},"Relationships":[],"Outfits":[{"Clothes":{"Body":{"Type":"DefaultSkin","Colors":[12],"FromStorage":false},"Eyes":{"Type":"DefaultEyes","Colors":[1],"FromStorage":false},"Pants":{"Type":"SimpleSkirt","Colors":[7],"FromStorage":false},"Arms":{"Type":"DefaultArms","Colors":[12],"FromStorage":false},"Shirt":{"Type":"SimpleShirt","Colors":[2],"FromStorage":false},"Hair":{"Type":"BigAfro","Colors":[23],"FromStorage":false},"Shoes":{"Type":"SimpleSneakers","Colors":[5],"FromStorage":false},"FaceAccessories":{"Type":"Glasses","Colors":[0,0],"FromStorage":false}},"Intentions":1},{"Clothes":{"Body":{"Type":"DefaultSkin","Colors":[12],"FromStorage":false},"Eyes":{"Type":"DefaultEyes","Colors":[1],"FromStorage":false},"Pants":{"Type":"ShortSkinnyJeans","Colors":[7],"FromStorage":false},"Arms":{"Type":"DefaultArms","Colors":[12],"FromStorage":false},"Shirt":{"Type":"FormalShirt","Colors":[5],"FromStorage":false},"Shoes":{"Type":"SimpleSneakers","Colors":[2],"FromStorage":false}},"Intentions":1}],"PersonalityTypes":["Creative","Thinker"],"EmotionModifiers":[],"Projects":[],"RecentActions":[],"FirstName":"Johnnison","LastName":"Turner","VoiceStyle":0,"VoicePitch":-0.20068169,"Description":"Johnnison borned on 1981, but on 1987, he got cancer, and completely lost his hair. But his giant otimist personality didn't made him cry forever. Today, he's a famous artist and made a painting called \"Lona Misa\".","CurrentPose":0,"WornLayers":-1,"IdHistory":[],"rotation":4,"age":32,"lifeGoal":null,"Job":null,"CurrentOutfitIndex":1,"Id":"0bc43ec4-8234-450d-8a58-0c8f9fe03aba","Position":"73.5, 82.5"}],"Money":27725.0,"FurnitureStorage":[],"ClothesStorage":[],"Description":""}
I didn't found another way to put the tiny's json folder here. I'm sorry, ok?
Hello Ellpeck, I was finding great games to download from, when I found this one. When I saw the images of this game, I was like:
But, I have a suggestion, not to the game, but to the community. You could add a "General" tab, for game conversations, to post cool images, or talk about what someone have done in the game... You know what am I talking about, right?
P.S.: I'm Portuguese (from Portugal).
I finished the game, and I love those games where you can destroy everything you see with whatever you have on your hands... or... inventory, and I don't care if the game is 2D or 3D. But I have a suggestion for this game. If you could add a level 7, then can you add a wooden watchtower, to see it falling? I will be very thankful if you do that.
One last question... if you make a level 7 (with the watchtower I suggested, or whatever you added to your possible level 7), then can you add 1 person or 2, because why not burn some people on a burning physics-based game?
If you could add what I mentioned before, the I will send you another suggestion after some days.
Only the time will tell when you'll add what I suggested before.
And only the time will tell when I'll send the second suggestion, too.
Your possible friend,