Well there's the rub: Windows isn't giving me the choice to ignore the warning and Steam isn't really an option for me.
Guess I won't be playing this for a while.
Sex scenes will fade to black several seconds before the animation finishes, rendering the ending completely invisible. Happens both on horny spray and gallery.
I'd recommend adding a button at the end of the animation sequence for the player to back out to the office, instead of automatically backing out.
Yeah, the fact that it's not about sexuality occurred to me just before I logged on just now. My bad.
I still don't understand the map room having a hall that leads to itself, though.
I was able to find all the rooms but one. When I tried to follow the map to the one unlabeled room, It's just a hallway that takes you back to the map room. It has to be an analogy for something, but understanding symbolism has never been my strongsuit.