Thank youu!!! Sorry, I've been preeeettyyyy busy with school and stuff, but I swear, I will try to engage in this community more now, let's just hope!! :DD
cove holden's wife ^^
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oh, yeah I forgot about that lol
so what you need to do is when you meet Qiu for the first time, you need to pick the option "that was the most prettiest person you've ever met" and that will automatically add the MC is pretty dialogue!!
i forgot if that dialogue comes up even if you choose to be friends but yeah i forgot lol T^T
1) there was someone who asked in tumblr that if baxter had any previous relationships/crushes before MC in the Baxter DLC of OL1, GBPatch confirmed that Baxter did have a crush on Qiu.
2) if your dynamic between your MC and Qiu is set on "crushes" then on the scene where Qiu explains why your MC needs to be in the boys club, Qiu will say "MC is pretty" and you can subtly see Baxter's smirk dropping.
3) you can also see when Qiu teases Baxter, he blushes slightly.
So, here's the gist. I'm making some sort of story or dialogue. It's for school lol. And the one I'm making is a fanmade "moment" of onlf in step 1 !! But the problem is i don't know what to put in MCs turn. Here's the summary of the one I'm making.
It’s a chilly autumn afternoon, and the trio—Qiu, Tamarack, and the MC—are wandering through the forest after school. Tamarack, fascinated by how their voices echo off the forest, suggests a game where each person shouts something they've never said aloud before. Qiu jumps into the game immediately, treating it like a fun challenge, while the MC feels a bit hesitant, unsure how personal they want to get.
Qiu shouts something silly, like how they secretly love eating peanut butter with crackers in private, making everyone laugh. But for a brief moment, the MC notices that Qiu’s eyes soften, hinting at a deeper thought that remains unspoken.
Tamarack, normally the energetic one, surprises the group by revealing a small, vulnerable fear—how they’re afraid of being forgotten, an emotion they’ve kept hidden. The group falls silent for a moment, feeling the weight of Tamarack's honesty. Qiu, sensing the shift in mood, cracks a joke about how they’d never forget Tamarack, using humor to ease the tension and giving them a reassuring smile.
So because I don't know what to put in MC's turn, I'll ask ya'll instead !! What would your MC say outloud, and what would you think Qiu and Tamarack's reaction would be?
For the first one, as much as she loves animals, she unfortunately cannot let go meat in her diet :(
As for the second one, she absolutely LOVES space themed food and would love the chance to go to a space-themed restaurant. And she hasn't tried any of those astronaut packed foods, but she has been planning to try those someday when she gets the chance !!