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A member registered Sep 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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thank u soo much bro  💜 

شكرا على التعليق اللطيف و الجميل 💜

اعتقد ان الالغاز كانت واضحة و سهلة بعض الشيء لانني كنت اخطط لوضع الغاز صعبة بعد ضغط كبسة 


ولكن الوقت لم يساعدنا و وضعنا نهاية سخيفة لانهاء اللعبة و رفعها بسرعة 

شكرا مرة اخرى <3

is it a joke ? 

Wow thank u so much bro 😍💜 ..... I don't know what I am gonna say 

I think just we made a mistake in the end after u press ( no ) I just added some stupid things to complete the game cuz I had no time ...

Thank u again <3

thanks bro 💜

I put this sound to make the player feel annoying XD

Me and my artist friend worked together on this game only for 24 hours .... I was planning to make more hard puzzles after u press ( NO ) ....... but the zanga time finished so we could not complete the puzzles that i already planned to make them but  I had to finish the game with some stupid things in the end like that cinema and sky picture 

thank u so much 💜

In fact we just worked on this game for 24 hour and we made everything by our self's the main problem for us was the ( ending ) after u press ( no ) .... I had no time I just added some stupid things to finish the project so thanks again for trying the game <3

شكرا اكيد انا دعمتك كمان ^_^

صراحة انا مبتدئ باليونيتي و الوقت كان ضئيلا معي خاصة بالنهاية لقد نفذ الوقت كليا فوضعت اشياء غبية لاتمام اللعبة فقط 

no really I liked it ... I felt that I am playing a big game .... But the most thing I liked it is the sounds 💜

So good game bro good job ..... I played it but it will be better if every thing was made by you I mean humans and skins 

your welcome bro 💜

I rated your game so goodly ... Try mine it's name is 

The smart spider ^_^

thank you soo much bro <3 .... in  fact i am new in unity and i dont know how to move all object i mean turn him left or right you so we choose spider because when he moves to right or left he dont have to turn his head and body to like mouse or human or other things 

thanks bro <3 ...... ı dont thıng ıt needs guıde because you just use normal arrow keys 

wow the game is actually perfect ... good graphics with good music .. i liked the story 
i wish if there is a second part 

yeah I watched that space for some seconds lol 

NP bro .... Keep going 💜

I cant play VR games in my phone ...

Wanted to try it 💜

good game nice idea 💜

Just Try to make it easier to control my ball 

Wow very good I liked everything in the game it is perfect 💜

The character and the drawing are good too but the it is hard to control and hard to jump I take so much time to finish 1st level 

Good job keep going 💜

There is a problem that i can jump for ever 😂😂

Nice game bro but I want it to be longer 💜

i wanted to make more harder puzzles after u press NO in the end but I had no time so I just finished the game with some stupid things 😂

شكرا 💜

بس بعتذر بنهاية اللعبة لما تكبس 


 كنت فاقد الامل من اللعبة و خبصت شو ماكان سينما و صورة سماء 😅اظن صارت مسخرة بالاخر ههه

you need more time to work on this game there is so much errors like the character can go outside of the screen ...

I think u made 3 mods of playing but there is 2 and the fish mod doesn't work ..

But the game's idea is awesome I liked it 💜

Nice game bro gj ... But it is boring little bit

Keep going 💜

SO funny xd

(1 edit)

nice one ... good graphics good story but short game