I didn't see it mentioned yet, so I thought I'd point out that a solid solo card game was made using your art. The art really helps set the theme.
Recent community posts
Bumbling is more of a guided map-drawing activity, in a bee-dance-guided fashion. You can form a small narrative as you go, and journal if you wish. As you play you'll fill up a map with the areas around the hive, and you can imagine friendships with the animals nearby if they direct you to flowers. Other bees can be directed to flowers you find, with a light memory mini-game.
It's a very mellow activity.
Batbarian is a Metroidvania-style game with a good sense of style and sound that keeps you engaged. The dialog is fun, and the gameplay is reasonably hard, but with accessible 'assists' to tone it down if desired. Would definitely recommend to those in for a bit of platforming and mild puzzling.
Just hard enough to feel really satisfying when you get something right, but not so hard that you feel like you can't get it.
I love the variety in each suit, and the character given to each person, while still retaining consistency. The colors are vibrant, but gel well together.
I needed another poker deck, but couldn't find one I liked, so made up a printable version of your deck (gutterfold, with bleed on facing). There's a picture on BoardGameGeek. Would you like the PDF files in case others might want to print a copy? (It could probably be printed duplex by printing an extra page, like "1-17,1" and then telling the printer to flip on the correct edge.)
Also, if you wanted an easy way to provide printed cards, you could use a print-on-demand service like The Game Crafter. They have decent prices for US delivery, and solid quality.