I imported, but the lines are not showing.
What are the layers?
A sample file would be helpful.
It makes tween, spits out GIFs, and has transparency. It's very, very good.
By the way, there has been no progress for quite a while, is the development finished?
3.1 works; 3.2 does not even start.
MyPc 3950x-Rtx2060
I bought it because I was interested.
AI completion of pixel art results in false colors.
Is there any way to fix this?How do I turn off anti-aliasing?
I can finally get a vacation so I can buy it and try it out.
I sincerely appreciate the support for 2.3.I'm very much looking forward to it.
I am very interested in this.
Can I open and run this asset in GM2?
This software is very nice and excellent.
Is there any way to remain the alpha channel?
Nice PixelArt and great game balance.
I'm excited while playing.
Thank you.
Beautiful pixel art game with very good operability.
Made in 2 days! ? Wow !!
Expect future activities
Awesome .This game is Great.I am fan.
I love this game.Great work.
Thank you very much.I am very happy.
Thank you.We are planning to make substantial improvements.
wow! it fine.
thanks. Please wait.I will fix it. about one week.