Really sorry to perpetually disappoint Kuro. Life's been hectic, & this year's been pretty shit. Find me on twitter, @yannish, & I'll try send you a lil something I've been working on. Won't be very playable, but, would be curious what you think.
I am sorry for the trouble. It's been quite a while since I've updated this build, the plugin which handles different controller types may be out of date and unable to handle the speedlink (the Xbone controller really ought to work though, so that's a bit strange). Apologies.
Hey Kuro, thanks for checking it out. I'd like to get 4p versus in there at some point. I've been focused on optimizing the grass though. Working a day job in the games industry has made me pretty slow though. :( You can follow me here and on twitter, I'll let it be known when I kick a new one out.
Took a while but I popped a new version on with some (pretty subtle) fixes and additions. If you guys do boot it up again and have any thoughts about it, I'm all ears. Thanks again for takin the time.
Thanks Jer. Really appreciate you checking it out. Come back soon, I've fixed some bugs and implemented a couple other little goodies. Should be uploaded tomorrow or later this week. :)