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A member registered Sep 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank u 

Im happy to hear that

wow!! if this was the first i hope you can make much better in the future maybe AAA games :D

i think the idea is amazing keep going and grow it up ,good luck

good game , keep going

(1 edit)

i really enjoy it

keep going

this game is very enjoyable i love it and i wish i have someone like you to partner gamedev with

(1 edit)

oh im so sory for that but i have problem with the limited time for some reason😅😅

i love it but  i think you can add more thing in the future

good luck

it's pretty good game 9.5/10

at the beginning it lag little bit but then it goes smoothly

thanks for this game and good luck

nice,  good luck


Actually i didn't have enough time to make new one so im sorry for that this time