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A member registered Oct 05, 2017

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(1 edit)


oh, just a bit notice, when I use trapper and have multiple catch, I rape them all including hostage ...

but the sum of mana sometimes don't match with the final result which said in center of screen ...

(between sum which appear at lower right and which mentioned at the center of screen ) ...

the difference usually goes only for 1-2 mana give or take ...

small thing and probably insignificant, but you might check it if you want ...

happen if you get result Bandit+slave after fight win and rape ALL of them ...

just one bandit and one slave enough to test this ...

this RARELY happen tough ...

that would be all, see you next patch ...

(1 edit)


then please give info "You / MC name" don't have enough stamina instead ...

or it doesn't matter if change partner is NOT MC, but also don't give Mana ...

it still reduce lust to slave, might cause pregnant, reduce stress and increase affection, but no mana ...

that will be more reasonable and can't get abused ...

also, it seems speciality Nympho don't affect result from threesome or orgy ?

shouldn't it also give +2 mana result from that activity or did I miss calculation in here ?

(3 edits)


Last question ...

I notice when switching partner sex for slave ...

it seems the stamina cost for the partner billed at MC / (Yours) ... not the partner ...

is that on purpose ?

I mean, if they the one who did it not MC, isn't that weird for MC losing his / her stamina ?


Change sex / intimacy Partner, and when you (MC) have low stamina, it will says THE PARTNER DON'T HAVE ENOUGH STAMINA !


thank you for the future patch, I hope this game will have GREAT finishing touch latter ...

just a bit worried, is the save with minus item will work at next patch or not ?

(2 edits)


the most noticeable is negative number from alchemy recipes potion ...

just click "alchemy" and you can see it immediately ...

(I already mention this bug at above) ...

to produce the bug, just make one of the slave request potion which you can made (but unavailable) ...

and "give" her that unavailable potion ... voila, instant -1 at that potion list ...

but now that "Courage" bug get weird ...

sometimes it happen, sometimes isn't ...

(being affected by MC HP and Stamina which shouldn't)

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well, I abuse save tons of time to checking all function / feature in the game ...

so it might be possible because sometimes I tried uncommon thing like mass slave team, save load to change level up request, checking item which get minus,  etc ... also found some kind of odd problem in slave auction / request (probably because save load abuse ...

like slave stat get a bit different after I buy them, but this very rarely happen ...

I see, hunt might give 0 Courage ...

also, I already test this, but it seems if MC have very low or 0 stamina, slave team won't get any courage increase ...

this also happen in MC HP, is MC HP / Stamina affect courage increasement ?

(in your script line it shouldn't but is the variable get mixed somehow ?)

I'll try further test in here ... (since I love this game too and hoping more positive progress patch in here)

is that normal ?

BTW, can MC have specialization ? 1 would be enough ...

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Just found something ...  you said if they HP HIGH ...

It seems MC Stamina and HP effect them too, so if MC force slave to fight with them, but MC stamina / HP low or empty, it seems they can't get "Courage" too ...

Also I notice, if one of your slave get very low HP (in red icon), the other will get affected too (can't get courage) ...

is Courage system is really that hard ?

somehow my bug above get fixed after one of slave back from training, weird ...

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hmm, I already tried to make the slave (and me) in FULL HEALTH, FULL STAMINA and EMPTY STRESS, but the problem still presist ...

and the hunt can't produce "Courage" point anymore ...

I don't want to remove all my 12 old slave, not to mention 4 is main heroine in the story ...

please fix this problem ASAP at next update if you could ...

thank you for your attention ...

Suggestion :

also, can you make extra (sub) specialized ?

like for nurse, > Doctor (relief HP and Stress from other slave more) ...

or Nympho > (assign job) sex relief for all other slave (need several criteria to unlock this task, like "group" need to be unlocked)

Magic usage on self at mansion (I know several limitation, but using heal on yourself at outside is kind of annoying) ...

where to get slave (beside main slave girl) with high Beauty ?

all other is most likely goes BELOW 40% point which is annoying ...

More quest outside the Slave trader, like bandit subjugation, gathering material, etc (from Bar, or market, or so) ...

Can you make "Appraisal" trait, or spell when you already win (so you know if the bandit / humanoid you caught is good or not ...

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Version 0.502 ... I think ...

The Bug :

All slave (previous) won't be able to increase "Courage" status anymore ...

can't get from winning fight, and can't get from Hunt either ...

The cause (?) :

I put max amount of slave in team in hope all will get +1 courage, but it isn't working ...

(I tried this trick when my stamina 0)

then I tried to use 1 at a time, but now it won't work either ...

also I tried "Hunt", but it won't give +1 "Courage" at next day ...

note, this only happen to all clustered team slave, new slave outside the old one can still have their courage increased ...

Only affect courage, I already tried to test other stat still work ...

The Bug II :

if I haven't do any alchemy, then the potion slave request for level up can still be "given" but it will cause the number become negative ...

The cause (?) :

When slave want potion as their level up requirement, just accept it TWICE, it will cause the potion slot in alchemy goes negative ...

The Bug III :

When updating mansion, there's mentioning information at lower right you get (x) building point or something in green ...

shouldn't it type you LOSE (x) building point in RED ?

The cause (?) :

when you upgrade the building / home ...