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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ahh I see, I see, so that's why XD

Thanks for the reply too!

I Like The Dash and Attack Animation. It Looks Fancy .

But looks like i can't dash in mid air.  is it a part of the game design? if so then that's fine :D

and I Quite like the Visual Effect Too. It's pretty Cool!

Yeah, I made this for funsies. Should've add more Stuff.

Thank you for Playing & The Review :D

Oh yeah you're right I should've adjust the Layer and make new painting appears on top.

I'll  read more about Gamification and also try to add more content for my next Project.

Thank you for the Advice :D

Oh yeah you're right I should've adjust the Layer and make new painting appears on top.

I'll  read more about Gamification and also try to add more content for my next Project.

Thank you for the Advice :D

Ahh yeah sorry about that.

I'm still new to making Music and I made it in the last minute too

I guess I should give a lot more time for the Music and should learn more about it first.

Thank you for Playing & For the Review :D

Ah, I'm really sorry about that XD

You can continue the Story by walking back to the Previous Room

There will be a another Cutscene there and it's gonna be a little bit Spoopy from that point.

I really should add an arrow to tell the Player to go Back. hehe My Bad.

Thanks for Playing & for the Review :D

(1 edit)


I like the Art in this game, It's Beautiful. The Music sounds Nice and Spoopy and fits with the theme of the Game nicely. The Idea of Spirit Mode allowing the Player to interact with Invisible Objects is Clever. The Skull Mask and Sprite change when entering Spirit Mode is pretty Cool too.

I decide to go into the Game Blind and didn't know that you guys post the solution for the Tree Map. I didn't realize the Metal Bar that was blocking the Pump disappear so i tried to Jump into the Slope manually Instead. but I eventualy realize it and Interact with Pump. Maybe you guys should Zoom the Camera into the Unlocked Metal Bar? (Or maybe I'm just Stupid Haha :D )

The Second and Third Stage is nice. The Camera Zoom in to indicate what change so it helps the Player to know and I also like the Platforming on those Stage.

Overall I think this is a Pretty nice Demo :D

(Sorry for my Bad English. It's not my Native Language XD )

Hmm I already slowed down the Speed of the Button in an Update.

But I guess it's still too fast Haha

I'll try better next time~

Thanks a lot for the Feedback :D

Hello again~

I just updated the Game.

Asteroid & Hostile Projectile are now Slower and Dialogues are Skipable now.

Thanks again for the Feedback :D

Ah yeah the Dialogue, I should really add a Skip Function for it. I'll also try to make the Objects slower.

Thank you for the Feedback :D

Umm Hello!

This is my first time joining a Game Jam. I made a Simple Puzzle Platformer. I Hope some people can enjoy it.

It's still really Bad tho. I'll Appreciate any Feedback. Thank You!

It's interesting how I can either go explore to the left or right and still make the game Progress. It kinda give a different experience despite the Fact that it's actually still on the same Stage. 

The Sprites looks pretty nice and I love the detail on the Drone Eye animation when it switch sides.

The Music itself sounds pretty Cool, Especially for the Death Sound effect. It makes the Death kinda "Pop!"

The Physic works smoothly and I like how the Jetpack / Booster has a Limit with a relatively fast recharge time. Also love the Camera movement.

The difficulty itself is Challenging but i think it's a part of the Charm too.

It'll be cool if this game has a BGM for the Stage.

Overall I think it's a pretty Well made game. 

Y'all making some Cool stuff here :D

This is a Pretty Interesting Game. I'm learning how to type without looking and this Game make the Learning Process feels Fun. Thank You.

"Looking Cool, Joker!"