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A member registered Dec 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is what I was looking for for so long DX Gonna see if I get around using it!

It made me sob- No but I really like the story and the atmo, the choice of soundtracks and atmo was very nice and one can see that you made this with a great thought and heart <3

I love this game, it is so coz yan dthe story writing is top tier ;; All of them are so precious and I really love Cid!

SO so beautiful and atmospheric!! I had the pleasure to playtest it every once in a while and it really came together so nicely ;;
Well well done! Huge fan!

This game is absolutely adorable ;; Huge fan <3

Thank you <3

Forest Folk is absolutely adorable! The music and the atmo is really cozy and its also very pretty. Wanna cuddle the MC so badly ;;

Thank you!

This game is absolutely lovely and the MC is so adorable ;;

Das Spiel ist super sweet und unfassbar angenehm zu spielen. Großer Fan der Synchron sprechern!

Aufjedenfall weiter so! <3

10/10 I loved it and I would play it again! <3

Das Spiel ist wirklich unfassbar cute, besonders die Atmosphäre gefiel mir sehr. Manchmal war es etwas schwer Sachen zu finden, weil man etwas abgelenkt durch die Farben ist, aber das ist nicht schlimm :D
Aufjedenfall weiter so machen!

I get sad everytime I play it c:
Really love it, well done!

Thank you, I really appreciate it <3

It really is a beautiful and calming game ;;
Very well done!

I give it a 10 out of 10. Even tho i dont like horror games, I really enjoyed it c: