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A member registered Aug 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank You, I'll surely keep that in mind next time😊


Thank you for playing and appreciating the work, Theme was " NOT ACCORDING TO PLAN" which i was happens with player every time they think they know what to do, for eg you think the spikes are not safe but some of them are, boss fight is extra hard to think of another plan which is to run away and kill him from behind.

(1 edit)

Thanks for this opportunity! I'd like to promote my game "A Beautiful Plan".  Its a game made with lot of passion and effort, this is part of a game jam which is currently ongoing and i would really appreciate everyone to please rate and comment what you feel about the game, means a lot to me.😊

Thank You for playing the game, Its very pleasing to hear that you liked the game😊

Thanks for playing & enjoying the game and Yes, you definitely finished the game. 👍

Loved to hear that you liked the game and about the boss, he can be either defeated easily by not going in his sight or there is actually no need to fight him you can just run, there are multiple plans to work out there😉

Thank You So much for playing the game i hope you had a great time. 

Good story but what to do now? i suppose there is some twist but checked everything in this room

Thank You for Reviewing ^_^

Nice game really shows how many hurdles a doctor has to go through just save one's life.

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