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Yawning Fox

A member registered Mar 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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Ah, I should make Enter/Space select, but the select button is jump I believe. (Or A as default). Regardless, I'll look into it and see what's going on! First time I've heard of this occurring.

Thank you! I still have a very long way to go, especially fixing up more things and giving the other character's the rest of their moves (At least for the demo).

Thank you so much! And yeah, a lot of my testers told me my standard controls are rough, so once I get a general set of controls that work I will properly change it to those! I also need to make the exit a little more noticeable.  Regardless, thank you so much for the feedback!

Thank you so much! Other than music and sound effects, and the saving/loading, I pretty much had to do all this myself. I wanted there to be at least one cutscene for the game jam, but I ran out of time. I do plan on continuing this! Alongside another game I've been working on since forever. Still, thank you so much!

Oh yeah, I found that as well. It's definitely not supposed to work and I plan on fixing it, but also at the same time allowing people to skip around a bit isn't too bad too if they know how. Just a shame the area it leads to wasn't finished in time. I have every area sprited out just not coded.

Thank you for the comment!  Well, when you only have a month to do coding, planning, designing, spriting and a bunch of other stuff I wasn't able to really make as many assets as I'd like. I was even still late because of it. I was supposed to have like, 4 areas for this game jam, but I overestimated my abilities to do so. Hence why places are locked off. I'll try and figure out a nice mix of gameplay with the blocks. By the time I got a reply from another friend it was too late to change much.

As for the powers, powers will never affect if you can progress through the game or not. Think Charms from Hollowknight. An additional thing that can help you, but won't strand you if you get it. Any powers you do get that affect gameplay will be permanent. Like the dash you get at the end of the demo. So no worries there.

I do wish I had more time to add more enemy varieties and looks for areas. I even had pipes for one area but because I pixel arted one of them wrong and didn't have time to fix it I scrapped it till the full game. I will definitely see what I can do with this feedback, thank you!


A - Jump
S - Attack
Q - Dash(When unlocked)
Up+S - Summon a block. You can summon up to three!
Down+Q - Destroys all slime blocks.
The bodyparts you acquire can also have some unique combinations sometime. Why not try them out?

Also posted on the page itself, just in case.

Thank you! I pretty much did everything alone other than music and sound effects. One friend helped me with some coding, but overall it was pretty stressful!

As for the other areas, not yet. I do plan on continuing this and fleshing out the areas now that I am not under a strict time limit. I agree there could be more variety. I actually wanted more enemies and background elements to make them feel better, but atlas, I was already running late in uploading this. I even wanted cutscenes and such. Also oh right, I did forget to put that, thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it!

Ah didn't see this, but yeah thank you!

Sent it to you through gmail then!

How do I message you the game? I might either be blind or just don't see it.

I'll also try and send a link to you once I get a few more stuff worked out. I am just about finished and should have it before the 24 hour mark is up.

Thank you for the feedback! Yeah in hindsight maybe I should have kept a clock or not had a timer at all, but I guess it also might have caused a few problems so maybe just a timer. I think some of the hits were because of slimes as they prevent fires, but can't hurt you. I should have made them glow blue when fire hit them...

Yeah, I kind of wish itch had a way to display the page with all the information on the front page. It probably caused a number of people quite a number of problems. I am glad you had fun! Hopefully next time, if I do Dialogue, I can get that sort of thing fixed up.

Somehow I didn't see these here, oof. Thank you for the feedback!

I might then, though I do have my own thing I should really work on. I will think about it for sure! I already have a ton of things I'd want to redo if I do go at this again.

Considering I was the only play tester, that at least eases my worry a bit. I made the final one harder cause I thought people would find the first three boring. Good to know I should stick with my gut a little more often. Thank you for the feedback! Hmm that glitch is weird, but I think it's because of how fat the first hitbox is from the kick. An easy fix. Honestly, I'd love to work on this more and make it an actual thing with better pixel art and an actual progression in the future. Maybe not under a time constraint.

That's certainly true. I do have a lot of regrets on things I could have done better or thought more about.I suppose, really, I was a bit too ambitious with the time limit I had set. I should have planned it out better. Unlike what I can do with my main game where I can sit down, properly think about it and ask others how they feel on things. I was my own feedback after all, ahaha~ But yeah, it does make sense. I will try and lower the bar a litttllee more next time. Actually, the second life bar did kind of refill your life if you kept it high enough, but maybe i made it too strict and, once again not explaining it, made it kind of tedious.

Not a bad idea. I did try and teach a little in the beginning. The fire from the first cutscene, the mushrooms being in bushes near by and the pit showing you how far you can jump/dash but I suppose I should have made it a bit longer with maybe some text. I've always been a fan of show, don't tell but I guess with a game jam it's better to tell unless I can show it over a good period of time.

Thanks for the feedback! I will admit, I kind of rushed that final area. I felt like it wasn't challenging enough and I guess I went a bit too far with it. Next time I will go with my gut feeling and keep it a bit simple. I am glad you like the mechanics. It took a bit of thinking of how to use life and death and I thought, "oh yeah, Mokou revives!" So that was the idea of this. My main regret is not creating a more slope that progressively got harder instead of instantly hard for the final stage. (Also no tutorial. That's also a main regret of mine) Regardless, thank you so much for the feedback. I will definitely try and do better next time!

Probably for something like this. I will definitely remember that for any other game jam game I do if it is a difficult to complete. Thanks again!

I enjoyed playing that a lot. It was really fun beating up Shiki with Youmu! The mechanics were easy to learn thanks to the tiny little tutorial in the beginning.  I always like your approach to making smaller games than "To be continued" sort of things. Overall, I had fun!

Oof, yeah bats were a last minute addition, I should have kept them slow like I did in the beginning, or maybe I should have had a sound warning when they were about to attack. Probably would have made things way easier, honestly. Thank you for the feedback!

Whoops, yeah I thought it was short enough that it didn't need checkpoints, but maybe one right in front of the fourth room would have been fine. I tried to make dropping down a bit less painful by allowing you to look down, but I also heard the camera doesn't move down far enough. Hmm... should have made the jumping a bit more floaty or allowed you to actually float by holding A. Well, it is a nice learning experience. Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, I've been told my control scream is very awkward. I kind of wish I realized that sooner. Usually I have settings to change your controls but I didn't have enough time. Next time, though, I shall fix that! Thank you for the feedback.

Wow that's quite a lot written up! I have to thank you for putting so much effort into all this. But you are correct on it, it is really just a demo. Because I was kind of the only person working on it I ran out of time rather quickly. From sound effects, to making the sprites to even programming it. I had to borrow some music since I couldn't make it. But, that doesn't excuse the quality of it! I wish to come back to this with more content and a a nice huge fix. There is so much that isn't explained and even so much that people might not even notice. Like how after a certain point the hands will send you to a darker dimension. But, because the game is so short you never really see that at all. So, it makes me sad.

Now, as much as I'd like to continue working on this, I am working on my main project. I hope to have it posted one day and it will absolutely be worked on 100% since I kind of want to sell it if I can. (While this game will remain free)

Regardless, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to play my game. It means a lot!

Hey there, thanks for the reply!

Yikes, seems like I had way more bugs than I  expected. I suppose I might have broken some things at the end. I will definitely try and get these bugs sorted out. The shadows dying randomly is especially strange. I'll try and get these patched up as soon as possible! Also, again, thank you so much for the feedback. I am still quite a novice so any and all feedback is greatly welcomed.

A preview of the newest area; Starlight starlake. Been working pretty hard on this game.

It's been a while, wanted to update this and show I am still working on it. I had to redo the forest, once more but this time an actual update on the main character as well!

A bit of a combat preview as well.

Thank you! Took a lot of thinking on figuring out her design.

Here are some new enemies within the game! They can be found in the forest area. This isn't all of them, but I thought I'd update this place a little more. Now, what these enemies do may be a little obvious, but how will be a secret.

One of my favorite things about some games are their character interactions. And one of my favorite games that has the best character interactions would be the Tales of series. So i thought, "Why not implement something like that into the game?" And so I did! I wanted events that could have all the characters talking, but I wasn't sure how I wanted to do it until I remembered the Tales of series. While this means I have at least 50+ if not even more than that to write and animate, I don't mind!

A little bit of an update. I didn't really show off much of the speed and combat in the last post. Here is something to showoff the movement options and combat. Also, this is my testing area. This isn't an actual level in the game nor what it will look like.

Thank you! I hope to improve some stuff here and there a little more as time goes on. Its still pretty early and I am wish washy at times.

(1 edit)

Welcome! I am Yawning Fox, an indie game developer just trying to find a place in this large, bustling industry. While I've been working on this game for a long time, started 2 years ago, but then stopped and restarted it from scratch.  Currently I am the only developer, but I hope to have one of my music friends help me out in that department.  Now, Severed Tales is a game all about speed and action. Because it's 2D, I've been doing little things to keep it interesting. I can't give all the details, as I don't know if I will add them all in, but I do hope you all look forward to my game. 

Also, because the game is still developing somethings will probably upgrade, change or who knows what. However, feel free to ask me questions. I absolutely love talking about about this game.


Severed Tales is a game about a fox named Merlin. She is joined by her teacher and must explore the land they are given. With the instructions of the teacher what kind of tale will you go on? Not every trip is easy going, something lurks in the shadows. Will you be able to help Merlin overcome this evil in this speedy action  momentum based game play? Along the way you will meet many faces. Different races, creatures and most importantly; friends.



There are more gifs, but with the limit I will have to resort to shorter captures.
  • Pixel art with smooth animations
  • Thanks to Merlin's small size she zips and nyooms around giving for speed based gameplay
  • Multiple endings
  • Collectables
  • Mini-Metroidvania style: Areas don't branch off as much as to keep it to the story
  • Secrets
Twitter: Where I update far more frequently.
Tumblr: - Where I also ramble a lot and sometimes reblog other creator's stuff. 
Later on when I am further along. I don't even have music or sound effects yet.