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A member registered Jul 25, 2022

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Hi! This is just the digital version. There is a fully digital version included in the packaged version of the game. The shops currently don't supply them separately.

Hi! Maybe look on the first continent for some DRUID one's.. At least that maybe an idea, if you didn't do that already..

Just looked into the code.. It's supposed to show that the ghost is "somewhere near" that place.. Actually it was just to show that something magical is happening there, not much more intentions applied to that feature no need to interact with it. Have fun! 

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I am not sure.. Clouseau is using two time the word villa in the current source on my hd. However I can't imagine that we Olaf or me used this word there. Maybe it was Olaf he is firm in language and did all the texts (or atleast "translated" my "english" into propper "voicing").. I got in major trouble with my kind of expression and talkstyle I gave many of the characters. So it was much to simple in the raw versions.. I am programmer and no highly social conversational mastermind or something. Actually we meant the mansion, however we play a lot with words even these rather complicated "riddles". I just looked it up for you:

"In simple words, you can say that a villa is designed for a single family while a mansion is there to accommodate multiple families, thanks to its gigantic size."

_::_TEXTID mansionVisitNeeded_a # LN:52 "Go to the villa an talk to Clive!"

(2 edits)

I didn't found a better way to do that within our limits. Actually it's working, like you have also seen and shown. There are several points in the game where items get readd to the inventory after applying them to prevent them getting lost.

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Hey guy! You don't need to unfreeze that guy. He just gives you a hint you could have completed the game easily without him. Just look for a special tree near a town and visit some person there.

Yes the game will be continued by us.

(18 edits)

The game has no problems at the moment.

There are about 500 files in a single folder and everything runs fine with that.

If we implemented saving with Sams Journey Loader, there would be the problem you describe. (about 300 files would be missing in the later game).

The Sams Journey Loader can only access 256 files. No matter if on a disk image or in a folder. It uses hexadecimal numbers for the file names like "1a", "ff", "ea" and so on. But these can only go from 0-255. So with Sams Journey Loader, only 256 files would be possible on the disc or in the folder.

We do not currently use the Sams Journey Loader. If we were to use it, we would run into problems. So saving is not possible at the moment. There is nothing we can do about that.

It is not a question of "file version" or "disk image" version.

If Krill's loader is ported (implemented in SD2IEC firmware) one day and supports saving, I may try the whole thing again with this loader (Krill's loader).

If you decide to use a loader system, the whole SD2IEC will stay in that mode (until a "reset" is done). There is not yet a widely supported (and fast) loader system that supports saving.

As I said, this feature is currently stopped. I will update this page here when there is news. There is nothing I can do about that. Saving to SD2IEC when using an IRQ loader has been a major problem for almost everyone out there for "ages". The forums are full of complaints about it and nobody knows a solution except to update the firmware with a custom patch.

You can write to "st dot mader at gmx de", I don't think it makes much sense to communicate about it here. The topic is too complex...

No, the Sams Journey Loader only supports a total of 256 files (file names are two digit hexadecimal numbers). I could ask Chester to upgrade the loader, but then the SD2IEC firmware would have to be patched as well. Currently there seems to be no way to do that. Happy Holidays btw..

Saving is not yet implemented for SD2IEC. There is simply almost no way to do this, without modification of the firmware. The Sams Journey SD2IEC loader could be a way to do this, but it only supports about 256 files on a single disc, which is too little for Lykia. Unfortunately, this feature is currently halted. I will inform you if there are updates on that matter.

We have a new version (version 1.4) on, if you have problems with it, you can write to "st dot mader at gmx de".

We are working on a version 1.4 with the "file name correction" you suggested. Turns out we had to use extra petscii characters for this, so you might have to copy the d81s together yourself when the fix is ready (on your c64/plus4 setup). I'll ping you back soon. Thanks for the good idea/suggestion.

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The C64 has an excellent sound chip, while the plus/4 has one of the simplest sound chips I know. The C64 has built in sprites which makes it much easier to make games with the C64, on the plus/4 you have to create the sprites of the opponents/players with your own and therefore slower routines. But. The plus/4 offers about 121 unique colors (expandable to about 200), while the C64 only supports 16 built-in colors. The plus/4 is said to have a faster processor, but because of the more expensive graphics, it is not much faster than the C64's (in reality only around 1.25x). Both computers use the same instruction set, it should not be an unsolvable problem to convert games from one to the other, since almost all the code for it can remain just the same.

(1 edit)

You can watch the longplays on youtube. Some guys already uploaded some longplays there. I hope you are able to finish the game. Actually there is just one "small city" location left for you somewhere on the big map. Good luck!

We'll release a commercial version somewhen soon.. There will be a lot of additional content in that version (zip and box). We will not put out additional stuff with the free version.

No, you would have to play the game from the beginning. Sorry, but 1.1 is pretty much the same like 1.2, except that some (mostly non-critical) bugs have been ironed out. The main bugs of version 1.1 are broken saving of some Easyflash devices and not finishable SD2IEC version.

Solo la versione sd2iec non può essere completata nella versione 1.1

Hello Luca! In the Dark Tower, you'll get a message from Nora if you've flipped the right switches. So you don't have to leave the room to check if the switches worked with a good result.

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If you downloaded version 1.1 from here, saving to Easyflash may not work. You can go to and download version 1.2 or wait here until version 1.2 appears and then try again. Saving is done via Gomez, a guy you meet in the village who secretly follows you through the game. However, you have to solve the very first quest before Gomez can save your progress (using version 1.2 of Lykia, of course).

(10 edits)

This seems to be a dead end. Version 1.2 will be released here today. The Easyflash support is now fixed in version 1.2, it is now saving propperly on all known Easyflash devices. And e.g. SD2IEC is now completeable (Gerda preselected on SD2IEC). Easyflash has now saving so the problem is gone for the crt.. Did you use the crt, or the disc version? I'm very sorry, but if saving fails, there is no way to finish the game with the old version. I really have no idea how to fix the bug in the old versions :( Sorry for the big inconvenience!

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For Eliona you need to find a place on the map (Pories in Tronden may have a clue), Gerda is also one of the women you should check.

we publish updated versions on However, the last versions were buggy. You can expect a version 1.2 in the next week...

Common D81 disks feature a maximum of 296 files. This is far too few for Lykia.

Just tested the Easyflash support on Vice (emulator) and it works fine, no problems with saving there. It has been reported to work fully on several real Easyflash devices already. Maybe you need the latest KungFuFlash firmware? If there are further problems, you can use the bugtracking.txt files link in the zip file, or write to the eMail address given on top of that linked GoogleDoc.