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A member registered Aug 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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I love how much this poor protagonist's life depends on whether they eat the egg fried rice or not hahaha. 10/10 horror game, perfect balance of sense of humor and spookiness. Figuring out the different endings was very fun and I like they all need different actions to be achieved. Super fun, great job devs!

Came back to try and actually beat this game and very much failed hahaha though I do think I got farther than I did last time. I'd forgotten how panic inducing this game was and despite being my second time playing it, it was still just as scary as it had been before. Keep up the amazing work guys!

Egg fried rice is delicious, not gonna lie. Anyway the game was great though playing it while already being hungry might not have been my brightest idea hahaha. I'll definitely be coming back to this to get all the other endings, cause it was quite fun. I love the ''not actually invisible'' walls to restrict the player, I thought that was a genius move. Overall, great sense of humor and spookiness, great job dev(s)!

Great game though I am slightly salty that you didn't make the option to pick up the gun (or the flashlight). I definitely liked the retro vibes though, made me feel like I was in an old cheesy horror movie (which isn't a bad thing at all). Only thing that I'll say is that it's not clear at all why Joe is just face planting at the end there. Like, there is the struggle minigame and then boom, knocked out magically. That tiny detail aside, this was a great little experience so good job dev(s)!

That timer makes it so stressful, I love it. There isn't even a threat lurking around the corners for the majority of the experience and yet I was on the edge of my seat, stressing to get everything done in time. Very good game despite my struggles to move the shopping carts around (but that's a skill issue I know XD)

This was weirdly fun to play, I loved it. I really hope this will continue getting updated and expanded, with more shifts, more base monsters and maybe even more tasks to do or something, cause this was truly great. Game ran super well, all I think is missing is maybe a settings tab to adjust volume and stuff like that. Other than that small detail, great game! Keep up the good work!

Very fascinating and disturbing little experience though I have zero clue what was happening! I love how pixel art plus horror always makes for a creepy atmosphere and the weirdness of this game just adds on to that, making it creepy and unsettling without the need for jumpscares. Excellent job, will definitely be checking out more of your games!

This was very fun, perfect balance between silly moments and scary moments. It did follow certain horror stereotypes but that isn't a bad thing, in fact, the addition of those silly moments (like the disguise for example) add a certain freshness to the whole experience, not sure if that makes sense. It's like because those silly moments are so unexpected it kinda breaks the flow of those stereotypical horror moments (such as the murderer appearing at the window, it's an expected move but it is still scary). Hope I explained that well haha, it's a great game overall and the fact you made this while still in school and being so young is very impressive. Also, this is a tiny detail but I love how you did the reflection of the mirror, it's very visually pleasing. 

Fantastic work for your first game here on itch.io. I love how you didn't default to killing the protagonist at the end (which is something that I personally think is overused in horror games). Absolutely love the clapping mechanic and how the monster is able to do it as well, really adds up to the atmosphere and spookyness of it all. Definitely will be keeping an eye out for future releases from you, great job!

Gotcha I'll remember to update it!

(1 edit)

Absolutely brilliant. I didn't know what to expect from a title like that but this easily is one of the most polished and solid horror games I've played on itch.io. The mechanics are fun and challenging, audio design is great and the visuals, while relatively simple, suit the experience very well. Just a fantastic game overall, great job devs! Oh and the voice acting is pretty great too!

I might actually stream this next time, I have a feeling I'll need a few attempts to beat this fully haha

Once again you have made another fun, short and sweet horror experience. I like the concept, the dolls absolutely freak me out and that damn deer gave me a small shiver up my spine. I definitely picked the right game to get back into the swing of things, great job!

Love this despite having no clue what I witnessed. Can't believe I stumbled onto mushrooms as the very first thing I did on the game XD. I absolutely love the visuals and the beautiful fluidity of the hand animations deeply satisfy the artist in me. Still have no clue what the story is trying to tell me but I'll be excitedly waiting for the full release!

This is great, super cool looking art style and very bizarre overall. No clue whatsoever about what this could possibly be about but I'm invested. Played it at the very start of the video before jumping into Eclipsium.

Quite fun, a little bit cliche and definitely very retro. Moral of the story: don't pick up potentially cursed books. Anyway, game was overall fun though I wish the player could sprint  since the character is quite slow. Besides that, it was a good experience though not the scariest game I've ever played.

Brilliant job, really good use of looping. I couldn't believe it when I saw you are 15, that's really impressive and you show a lot of potential as an indie developer. Keep up the good work and you'll definitely go places, this game was already great so I can't wait to see what else you make!

Best news I've received today, will absolutely be keeping an eye out for future updates. Congrats on finishing Uni btw haha and best of luck with future developments!

I'm a fan of ''Observation Duty'' style games so this was right up my alley, I just desperately wish there was more to it. I love the idea of actually having to walk around to identify and fix the anomalies instead of just looking at different screens. Really cool atmosphere and sounds and very unique visual style too. Really hoping there'll be more added to this game, like different places to explore and maybe more anomalies, amazing job!

Always a delight to play a new game by colorbomb, you guys are great. Great puzzles as always (despite my puzzle solving skills being severely lacking today hahaha). Once again though I kind of feel like the game could use some kind of background noise or music, cause otherwise it is quite quiet , besides the sounds made by the puzzles of course. Other than that, great experience as always!

Love the visual style of this, some people overdo the VHS effect but in here it was perfectly executed, making everything look grainy but without being hard on the eyes. Simple mechanics but it works since it's a short game. Only ''flaw'' (cause it barely even affects the experience) are the stairs, it feels like the character gets slightly caught on the steps sometimes, but that's just a minor detail. Overall, great game!

Absolutely brilliant concept, I love it. Figuring out that one loop can influence the other was really awesome, though I unfortunately immediately died upon getting the key hahaha. Will definitely be coming back to this to try and get other endings, really cool game. It's the second one on my video and it starts at 8:16

Really good at making the player absolutely disturbed. I like how simple and straightforward it is and yet it explains nothing XD. Fishing mechanic reminds me of Stardew Valley except more stressful (which is a good thing). Overall, really cool and bizarre game, good job! It's the first one on my video.

Very interesting concept, I definitely think there's a lot of potential here. Could be expanded to allow the player to defy the orders, having different endings, maybe even some kind of threat to make the player even more unsettled. I love the simple yet unique visual style. Really hoping you'll give this prototype some love and work on it a bit more, cause this is a really cool idea.

Absolutely brilliant introduction to what the game will be, made me wish it had been longer. I love the retro and yet polished graphics. The story also already grabbed my full attention and I absolutely cannot wait for the full game to be out, you guys are nailing it! Keep up the amazing work!

Got to the end! I definitely fought those Coatis in the least conventional way possible but it was super fun XD. I definitely don't think I found all the notes and stuff, but I quite liked the story and the world building, and all the characters were quirky and fun. Overall, great game! Can't wait for more horror games from you guys though, I need more like the Penjikent creature, that one is just pure gold.

So the idea was initially good but on practice it wasn't fun. Typing as a main mechanic and nothing to complement it just doesn't really work, it's mostly just annoying and frustrating. I gave some ideas on my video of ways to make the experience a bit better in case you wish to take a look.

yep I remembered eventually XD I just have terrible memory for names lol

Grabbed this for free while on sale and its pretty fun. Rare to find games on itch.io with beginning, middle and end but I'd say this is one of them. I like the idea of a haunted game you play inside of the game and the voice acting was quite nice too. I only wish there had been a little more on the gameplay aspect but it was still a good experience regardless. Great job!

Very fun, really liked the sound design, hearing things near the bus stop was quite creepy. Plus the twist and cheap jumpscare at the end were the cherry on top XD.Hoped there'd be more gameplay other than just looking around, but it was still a nice short experience. Overall, good job! Game is the last one on my video and starts at 6:20

Pretty fun for a short game, I liked the aesthetic. Couldn't figure out if there more I could've done but I enjoyed it anyway (despite the very cheap jumpscare hahaha). Good job overall, hope you make something new sometime soon! It's the second game on my video, starting at 3:43.

Not bad at all for one of your first projects, was pretty fun and I personally found the number of trash bins quite hilarious. I did find a bug, if you get caught and sent back to menu for some reason the mouse cursor completely disappears. It's the first game on my video

Fun game though I wish the monster had felt more interactive since it feels like all the jumpscares are scripted. But still, seeing how completely unfazed the protagonist is was quite funny. Overall good game, will definitely be checking out other games from you!

You've nailed the spook factor and the sound design, now you just need to have actual gameplay. As it is, the demo is essentially a walking simulator, with the player walking aimlessly around the house while waiting for things to happen. Some things happen after investigating a certain noise or object, yes, but the majority of events seem to happen without any interaction from the player. The demo is definitely scary and sets up a good base for a full game, but the gameplay part needs some polish.

Not particularly scary but definitely quite fun. I love how I messed up the candles on the very first attempt. And how there's no option to help the friend other than stopping the ritual completely XD. Figuring out what exactly to do for each ending was pretty fun, I really just wish the game had been scarier in general. Overall, great job!

Much like when I played Project Kat, I am baffled at my ability to make things go so wrong so fast XD. Slowly starting to believe there aren't actually any good endings hahaha. Loving the story though and how much it varies depending on what you do and don't do. It's visually beautiful as well and the soundtrack fits the vibe of each area super well. This game also reminds me a lot of Ib, a game I have very fond (and scary) memories of. Can't wait to see more from you guys!

Very good, I quite liked the unsettling atmosphere it builds though I wish there had been a bit more of an investigating mechanic, something more than just talking to people. I could see this being turned into a bigger game too, investigating mimic sightings in different areas. Overall, a great game with a cool visual style. Though I do need to ask, what in the world was that blood red wall in the woods???

Loved the concept and the atmosphere of the game. I didn't have much going on and yet it was eerie and unsettling the entire time. My only complaint is with the controls, having to spam E to cycle through the items got annoying pretty fast, maybe it'd be better to have the items bound to number keys or something like that. Other than that small detail, great game!

Spooks definitely got me despite being a tiny bit predictable. The basement scare actually had prefect comedic timing on my video haha. I will say though that this is yet another game with a terribly stupid protagonist because no sane person would enter the house again after all that, could've just waited outside in the rocking chair XD.

(1 edit)

Some people cope by laughing and joking about serious things and trauma, myself included.


a woman

Absolutely hilarious, second ending made me tear up from laughter. Didn't manage to get the last ending cause I was preparing for a trip and didn't have enough time to keep trying to get it. Gameplay is fun though it does get ever so slightly repetitive after a few attempts. I'd also recommend adding a skip button to the breaking news part (at least after seeing it once, cause having to watch it every time was a bit annoying). 10/10 goofs