can you make it to where you can have duplicate people
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to get golden Freddy you just have to keep going back and forth between the cam with the Freddy poster on night 3 I believe its cam 3 until golden Freddy appears on the poster click it and lose cams or just close cams. I died to it so many time's before finding out because I was switching to that cam to watch Chica
if you have good headphones just have those on while you play and you can wait with your cursor over the left door button no need to check cams when you her foxys footsteps just close the door listen to directional sounds for bonnie and chica and when it hits five count to 15 or 20 and close the right door untill freddy laughs again
you can beat it without cams you just need good headphones on and always have your cursor on the left door button you can hear each side the foot steps are on you need the cursor on left door for foxy because you have to react fast to his foot steps. when Freddy is active she wont attack till 5 so when it hits 5 count to 15 or 20 then close right door till she laughs then open it