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A member registered Apr 02, 2023

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Quick shoutout for the first Violet scene in Part 1. By that point I was more on the skeptical side about your writing style to say the least, but that whole scene showed me that you weren't just coming up with things as you were going and instead ready to sacrifice immediate results for the long run, I bet this translate into more aspects of the game later on.

Hope I have the time to play it.

Hey, I'm confused as to what the current state of this version is. The game tells me different things regarding reworked beginning scenes and increasing and decreasing quality (visually and lyric).
So, is there anything further planned here that I might miss if I play through it now?

AAAAAARGHHH! FUCK! I've never had a game like that before.. I hardly ever game in the first place...

Jokes aside, came here a while after completing OIAL so the expectations were high. Anyway, what you managed to create here has such potential and is already so captivating, I can only see forward to what you planned for Eternum and its universe.
I know it's gonna be great and I'll have to join your Patreons shortly. I wish I had the practice and knowledge to create something like this. Hats off once again.

(1 edit)

I'm a little confused - if I want to play it from the beginning, where do I start? I figured it'd be EP 1-7, then Chapter 1, then Chapter 2.
But I can't find files for the epilogue? Is this a complete bundle?

This is one of those things that I have trouble with starting to write a review for, but usually the words come flowing as soon as I convince myself to do it anyways. I'd say I'm a very grounded person, but some stories just captivate me to a point that's spooky to me.
I'll keep it short just this time, since this game demonstrates how valuable your time is :D

The characters are loveable, plot catchy, sound fitting, scenes amazing. Everything seems to be so well tuned without appearing pretentious. Never thought I'd say it, but "humor is placed perfectly". Most of all, this piece of art inspired me. If I ever find the time and passion to create something literary, I now know where the bar is.

Well done Caribdis

(3 edits)

Just a little feedback, as I haveonly completed one route (currently on male family friend). So far I'm really surprised by how much I enjoy the game and how you can tell there's dedication behind it. Got here for the lewd and stayed for the rest.

1) All the more reason to give that feedback, because it really stood out to me how often a conversation contains a dragged out "are you okay with this" type of exchange. Since our character is portrayed (and called) "empathic", in most of the scenes he/she would know if "it is okay" after the first time he was in a situation to ask that question. Anticipation and Resonance. Especially if it's about something way less intimate than what already might've happened. No problem with a rhetorical courtesy question, but it really is often.

2) The POV closeups tend to look a little weird to me. The models are beautiful, the pictures compositions are top notch and the animations good, but with all the characters looking sleepy all the time (and at least the male family friend being a good amount taller than other characters), most conversations look almost a bit like a fisheye portrait for 60% of their duration.
I'm actually in awe how well the facial expressions in most kissing scenes are and I think the game would benefit from more borderline 3rd person shots, at least in animations. Maybe a camera height/focal length adjustment could compliment, I'm not a pro.

3) As for the Ava scene:
I like the cinematic approach. Not being able to skip or stay with a certain frame/animation is unusual, but it does emphasize on how it's "happening". I also like the approach to it on a more emotional level and I can already see you're taking a big swing for that. I'm eager to see the full thing!
Insert my POV closeup critique here aswell.

The overall music is also great by the way. I'll give more feedback when I feel like I earned the right for it. But the potential and structure (hell, 30 days) is massive :D