chapter7 should be on itch next month, should be couple of days after chapter8 will be released on patreon
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it is a weapon for britt. if you have it in your bag its likely that brittis already using a weapon of the same or a higher grade. you can see britt's used equipment in the combat screen that is in the top right part of the map. you can turn 1 power into 3 scraps in the area to the left of the garage.
make sure to use lacerate->firearms->defend mechas in this order for chance to get combos (you most likely know that already, but i am just making sure). remember that the more power that you have in your bag the stronger the combos' damage. also, the more points that you have in the alf tree the higher the chance for the robots to crit. make sure that you have enough ammo and medkits. with the alf's playstyle you mainly need to wait for the regroup drone to crit enough so that he will raise the crit rate of your mechas and you get combos all the time.
there are 3 main missions in alfheimr, one of them is the power hungry missions. to get/complete them you need to first finish all the previous conversations with the related captains.
for the fjord's mission, check if you didnt miss a conversation with jostein in britt's home or the stables, or anders's conversation in the artisan area.
for the undercity's, check if you didnt miss henrik's conversation in the apartments location in the core, or with ralf in the apartments location which is above the bar.
if you mean in chapter4 when you get to alfheimr, you first talk to borge who gives you a mission to get permission to be in alfheimr, then you talk to all the other captains (and dont press on anything else since you are not allowed to use it before finishing borge's mission). completing jorgen's, jostein's, tyr's, and henrik's missions will lower the raid upkeep, so finish them fast.
or did you mean something else?
the purchase link is in the chapter2 section on this page
notice that if you plan to purchase all the chapters eventually, if you become a vanir backer on patreon (25$) you can download all the current chapters and their guides.