if you back the game as a vanir backer on patreon, you get both the chapters and the vanir guides. also, there is a discord server where you can get helps from other players, so its very recommended to join it and ask there when you are stuck.
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you can learn in chapter3 skills only up to lvl3. you need to learn huldra4 from hilder in chapter4 after getting to the alpines and before driving to alfheimr.
as seidr you need to use the units from last row in your fights, to use potions in hard fights (i use valhalla for every fight as seidr), and luck to get griffin->wolf and aurora->hildr combos.
you can craft equipment only for the captains in the first 2 rows. if you are in chapter4, if you didnt convince the captains in chapter3 to let puppy stay, you wont be able to use jotuns in some of the fights until you raise your reputation anough by donating and completing missions. if you learn huldra4 before leaving the alphines, you will find the firearm jotun on your way to alfheimr (and if you dont, you will have to find one yourself by fighting the right jotun in the deep caverns)
yes, the vanir guides are usually sold about a month after the chapter is released on itch. currently you can get it (with chapter8 and all the other guides too) if you become a vanir backer on patreon (25$).
if you are encountering difficulties in the chapter you can always join the discord server of the game and ask there (there is a link to the server above)
chapter9 will be the last chapter, and 8 chapters were already released (chapter8 is currently on patreon only). i dont think that there will be a way to have all the chapters merged into one download since the game got really big as chapters were added, and there is a limitation on file size on itch. becoming a vanir backer on patreon is a good way to buy all the chapters in one go (you still need to merge them manually).
there is a plan for a prequel to the game, a trailer was released, but for now the focus in on finishing this game.
i checked it, and the mission figures out the amount in your bag (among other conditions) before it's conclusion. its most likely that in the time that it took you to make the additional water, you completed missing conditions too (or maybe you had a tyr conversation already on the same day you went there the first time).
the mission can be completed only after you see all the previous conversations with tyr and kirk. i think that the scene that you have is a scene before that. in the scene related to this mission, the depot is under attack and you dont see tyr but have to find him (i think that you also need to have more than 7 energy to be able to trigger the search part).
hi, i will just make some points about the paid guides' issue- you dont need to use them to play the game.
simply playing, paying attention to conversations and checking the mission log will be enough to get you through the game. the discord server for the game exists exactly for cases where you are not sure about something and getting stuck. you can and should ask there for help, and other players will be happy to help you. there are also some guides for the romance part. interacting with other players can add to the experience.
will you miss out content without the extensive guides? most likely. will you make mistakes? yes. not every run is perfect, and thats perfectly fine. the paid guides were supposed to be for patreon's vanir backers only. they are sold here seperatly because players asked for another way to get them.
if you dont have defend3, the important thing is to block his big attacks. his big attacks are every second hit, so you wont be able to block all of them.
an order that you can use (when no defend3) is:
on odd rounds (start, 3rd, 5th,...)
on even rounds (2nd, 4th, ...)
if you notice that you are out of medkits while combat making more before it will help (everyday there is a chance to find antibiotics next to the elevator, which helps), use valhalla in this fight, and i dont remember if the drone uses ammo.
second, killing the wolf requires you to have one of the lvl3 skills that were required to complete the apprentice mission (in your case fastbuild3), and as an alf you also need to have a drone (there is also a mission to make one that gives a bonus bone). did you craft a drone and used it in the fight?
it is a weapon for britt. if you have it in your bag its likely that brittis already using a weapon of the same or a higher grade. you can see britt's used equipment in the combat screen that is in the top right part of the map. you can turn 1 power into 3 scraps in the area to the left of the garage.
make sure to use lacerate->firearms->defend mechas in this order for chance to get combos (you most likely know that already, but i am just making sure). remember that the more power that you have in your bag the stronger the combos' damage. also, the more points that you have in the alf tree the higher the chance for the robots to crit. make sure that you have enough ammo and medkits. with the alf's playstyle you mainly need to wait for the regroup drone to crit enough so that he will raise the crit rate of your mechas and you get combos all the time.