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A member registered May 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ah Neco! it's you again x3. Just watched the Let's Play, and I enjoy every second of it~. Thank you for playing! :3. We gonna meet again.

I'll check it

x3 I'll sure somebody gonna notice his spidey hands, This is are great Review!

There are three endings in the game :^

Oh~ Is there any bug that make you couldn't continue playing? :^



Yes I already did make it 30 fps and it's just playing on like 6 / 7 fps

Here is the project that I working for!

It's a 64 x 64 Sprites
It had 6 layers which in layer 5, 4, 2 had a Brightness / Contrast filter in it.

Here is my Laptop specs!
Processor: AMD A4-9125 RADEON R3, 4 COMPUTE CORES 2C+2G 2.30 GHz
Ram: 16,0 GB
Operating System: Windows 10 64-Bit

Really looking forward this!

This was the best pixel animators/drawer I found so far!
The feature was very pixel friendly like and easy to use!

I also got some suggestion for the software:
- A performance improvement updates, since I only got like 7 fps on animation mode...
- A gaussian blur filter
- Draw on animation mode without "Pressing & Moving" the cursor "Only Pressing" and we draw through the animated sprites

Overall it's a really good software. I'm in love with this tool.


Woahhhh! :3 glad you like it, Well im glad also when the bug fixed itself x3, well about the final release it gonna took a little bit more time to finish sooo.... Be patient! 

Yoi :^

Drink alcohol:^


Hello nice to meet ya :>, I mostly got it from an online source

Hmm that's interesting, I'm gonna find it out

Hello there jack! can I know your mobile device name?


Simple yet beautiful story...
Love it!

He is gonna still having fun

(1 edit)

Hey, you already completed the game!
3/3 Ending it was the true ending

And those vault is locked anyway

Buy/Sell in the laptop it was a simple BTC trading, sell them when the price is high and buy them when the price is low.

Semangat ya bang!

Aku pake scratch:^ 

Here you go!

Hmm yeah you're right

Woah this is massive!

I'm gonna fix all that real quick!

Also I think eating ketchup is a bad idea xd

Hello, opainderson!

I'm going to fix that real quick! :3

(1 edit)

Terimakasih atas laporannya nanti saya check :^

Mungkin fitur

I Made it :^

Hi Neco!

What a nice gameplay!

I Will add some UI to help you play the game!

Say Fun!

Hello Duccky!

I think you need to check the door!

I Will add something if some people in the behind door!

Stay Fun!

Hello FlameMane!

You can change the controller on Settings or you can wait for the next updated, Silly me i didn't add the controller tutorias ;w;

Stay Fun!

Hello Goldepanda

Use the ladder and find the Light bulan!

Hey there Havenze!.

Try press D to a Dungeon on spawn!

Hey there BlueCollarFurry! I'm gonna fix that!
Thank you for your report, Stay Fun.