Is there any possibility to remove NTR from the plans? If there isn't, it would be nice to be able to disable NTR from the start of the game so it never happens and we don't even know it exists.
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LI is short for Love Interest, meaning the girls the MC can form a romantic relationship with.
I hope none of them involve seeing one of the MC's love interests having sex with someone other than the MC.
On the other hand, the fact that practically the only sex scene I found in the game consists of watching two strangers having sex doesn't exactly give me a very good feeling.
Any sex scene that doesn't include the MC as the only male participant is a scene that I either don't want to see or I don't want to happen. It will depend on who the other participants are to choose one or the other option.
A girl gives a handjob to a guy (the MC) who has hidden in the female locker room. Another girl gives the MC a titjob after catching her masturbating. A third girl, after explaining her need for human fluids (mainly semen, which generates a series of uncomfortable questions that I prefer to try to ignore) and what the club is about, gives him a blowjob. But before that, the MC has seen the page where his childhood friend publishes her nude photos, and the MC proposes to take porn photos with her (which I did not like at all). Then there is the scene with the succubus, which is not very romantic either and which gives me such femdom vibes that I don't want to know anything more about her. For now I haven't continued further, but as I say, the feeling it has given me is more of casual sex (and the MC's thoughts don't help to consider another option) than romance. And none of this is avoidable.
Well, for me, including different relationships and interactions between various characters kills my interest and makes the experience very unenganging. Any romantic and sexual relationship between the girls that is not with the male MC is a relationship I want to be able to avoid. In fact, if it is through an option that disables them at the start of the game, all the better.
The truth is, just because it leads to world-building doesn't miraculously make me like it.
On the other hand, I'm not going to read a single line of the texts of those scenes, once any lesbian scene starts, I skip it without caring what was written (skip unseen text). So I'm not going to find out what is being said anyway.
I hope it's made clear during gameplay that the LIs only have sex with the MC (and I don't mean just on camera, I mean while they're with the MC they don't have sex with anyone else at any time). Sorry, but the first build I played makes me especially wary and distrustful.
Is the MC going to romantically engage with all the LIs and create a harem?