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A member registered Nov 04, 2021

Recent community posts

15 times

first try "totally new" concept to me but there are too many enemenys evenn tho i got 412000

(and yes i know this was a year ago but some people still need this break from their "reality")

dont make me come back here and "git gud" at knowlodge

80s as in the 1980s dum and in the 1880s slavery was gone get a history check so one you failed to make a joke or statement and two this is badgering

is your profile picture the mindustry router

well i managed to get a long enough run to see every contract twice

3 words my fellow jackasses

it will be fight for top score start with nothing and it steadily increases in waves and inbetween is a half hour break after every 10 waves for reajustment

not negative just saying i may forget about it cause im busy playing mindustry

i have a feeling that i wont ever play this

i want a endless battle mode like from PVZ

make a endless version with actual random generation

welcome to a crappost incarnate

its been 9 months where is it the score

9.88 finally!

1.235 seconds

fastest time to get 100 kromer go

dew iet

(1 edit)

yea sure buddy and there is a monarchy in america but i didnt get news of it

someone make a site for this game

and add thease things 

fastest time getting 1000 kromer 

highest score of kromer without getting it from kils

highest score of kill

highest score of kromer