Adding on to this: i mean want me dead? Kinda hot ngl [shrug]
Recent community posts
Crying screaming throwing up i always find interesting IFs after going/are on hiatus😿 (looking at Scout: an apocalypse story with tears in my eyes even if I found it before the death of it(╯︵╰,))
Jokes aside, I don't mind at all, as long as *YOU* are doing fine and not forcing yourself to update something you either have no time for or lost enterest in.
Anyways personally I'm gonna steal A even if we haven't met them yet 😼
Finally decided to replay and finish the last part of Chapter 2. . . yet again i cried over El. . .fuck you respectfully 😾
Anyways what I've wanted to say for awhile is:
Id definitely be on the news for cooking someone over an open fire if I was MC after what El's mom did😽
And I love our cat, even if bro was an sshole in the beginning (Obviously had to name the cat coco, short for coca!ne 😼 which now thinking about it is probably why it hated me. . . oopsie 😿)
Amyways! I need Ekissa to kiss me on my hot mouth right now 😼💚
Im not fully sure on this as the reason they are being reworked is in the DEEP DEEP depths of the tumblr but I *THINK* its due to the plot not matching the later seasons by much??
Again I'm not fully sure and you'd probably have to dig DEEP inside the tumblr to find out why, but I know (at least as far as I remember) Both zillah and Chanara will be romancable in S1, some scenes will be Tweaked, Taken out(?), and some new scenes will be added,
but for s2 I am not fully sure on, that I'm sorry about (⇀‹↼‶)
Ik this was 5 days ago and you may already know , but incase you dont yet:
This season is currently on hold until Seasons 1 and 2 get a rework, when will their reworks be finished? Currently no time is known as far as I'm aware since the creator has Multiple IFs they're working on, when seasons 1 and 2 get a rework will this start being updated again. (i suggest checking the tumblr for more information ^^ )
Is this still being updated? Im assuming its on hiatus/canceled since it hasn't been updated in a few years, which is sad because I absolutely loved this and found this very interesting (╯︵╰,)
Though I probably just missed something on the tumblr/don't remember if anything was said
I do know life can get out of hand/Massive writers block/just don't find this fun writing which I would totally understand and would not rush at all ^^
waited to read this until i was sure i wouldn't shed a few tears
Currently on my floor huddled up sobbing a waterfall at this shit (╯︵╰,)Love it all but man I really didn't wanna shed tears this bad(TnT)
fuck I'm tearing up like I did when I read the death of a Nudist cult of cats that live in a forests leader drowned! That's a lot of tears! (But in a "holy shit the writing is so good I'm actually feeling the emotions " way)
Guess i decided to replay this at the right time to see the ROs artworks
I must say Calliope and Vicente (hoping I spelled their names right- My memory is poopoo (╯︵╰,) ) are. . . in the most respectful way ever. . . Hot as hell (Especially Vicente in the most respectful " holy skibidi you are HOT" way)
Have no words to describe how much i love the revision, congrats on that you get a gold star sticker(●´∀`●)
Jokes aside: i REALLY have no words (thats a first!) All i can really say is i love love *love* it
I found this about a week after it was originally released and have re-read it every so often since then, cannot wait for more (though obviously no rush at all, i am very strong and will eat your walls if you do rush this ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ)
this is interesting! i love it! there were a few small spelling mistakes but i personally dont mind that at all (like "aa" instead of "a" and "coreect" instead of "correct" but i never noticed them until my third replay of this)
all of the ROs seem very interesting, though Leon, Dante, and Lara have caught my eyes the most👀
cannot wait to see more (though obviously no rush)
Love this! i was checking the WWC tumblr since i haven't looked at it in a bit (I'm a Lorcan lover(stalker) what can i say?) when i saw this being advertised(??if that's the right word??) and decided to check this out! absolutely love it and can't wait for more! (Obviously no rush)
all of the ROs have caught my eyes👀 (which only the abyssal song and God cursed have done before this, here's a gold star for making absolutely yummy ROs✨✨) though C and E have caught my eyes the most 😻 (Something tells MC they shouldn't trust E? kinda hot 😽)
uhm hello?? can you not make such lovely Games??? i really shouldn't be staying up all night replaying them, thanks♥
ok jokes aside, When i saw this i gasped in excitement 😻
though it (obviously, its a brand new demo) was short i absolutely love it already! (not surprising, Viatica was also absolutely amazing and i loved that too)
i *LOVE* the story and all the characters we see (Absolutely crying over how cute Tellus was. . . How could you do this? complimented how we dug up potatoes? literally anything he did? my heart 😿😿 i don't think i can forgive you on this)
I'm also an emotional reader And the whole scene of MC finding out what happened had me almost crying ALREADY
sorry for the ranting lmao, just have to show how much i love this game- (please ignore any Misspellings or if this doesnt make sense at all, I can only do so much Mistake fixing while running on 3 hours of sleep😽)
absolutely can't wait for more of this amazing and Beautiful game (Though absolutely no rush at all)
This was the first IF id ever read on itch (I think sometime december 2022?? MAYBE super early 2023?? didnt have an account because honestly, didnt care to make one) and i had LOVED it and read it non-stop for a week straight, had a super rough(and i mean ROUGH) Month after that week of reading and forgot the name of this lovely game, every so often during the months after id think about this game and Basically cry myself to sleep for not remembering the damn name of this! but i decided to check this out not knowing this was it 😿
anyways still love it so much! (do not mind any spelling errors in this comment, i haven't had more than 3 hours of sleep for three days straight😻💔)
i love this IF so much Im literally foaming at the mouth, eating my walls and climbing on my ceiling 😻
This is the second IF ive played where i love all of the ROs( God cursed by lunan is the other) Though L and ash have me feral (Respectfully)
cant wait for more updates! (though obviously no rush :3 )