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A member registered Jul 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm so glad I got this game, I remember watching walkthroughs of it on Youtube as a teen, now I'm old enough to buy and play for myself ❤️🤩 HIKARU SUPREMACY FOR LIFE!

Cute as hell! I love all the love interests (ghost boi is probably my fav tho)! Definitely worth every penny for this spooky/lovely time!

mostly! in the cutscenes, they are!

Amazing game, I mean it. It's pretty rare to find a visual novel that has both LORE and great characters <3 I enjoyed every second! 

(Note: I am not a reviewer so take this a grain of salt 😅) (Also don't worry, no spoilers).

I saw this game a while ago but couldn't purchase it at the time, fast forward when it was on sale & I just immediately bought it right then! Great concept for a game, however, it's kinda bland(?) in execution. I'll explain but first lemme say the positives. 

The CGs and all other art are fantastic, no complaints here. I also love a BL where the sibling isn't a love interest LOL, and there's a female friend, YAY! I think the Full Group ending is the best 💖, I feels like it would be canonical (morbidly I like the Worst ending because OMFG)! The twist that had to do with the main character was a nice surprise too.

That brings me to the story... the main one that doesn't have to do with the love interests themselves isn't that bad, I like a person dealing with grief going to a new place where weird things start happening. But to me, especially when it comes to the dolls, it feels incomplete, like both the "heart events" and the main plot have nothing to do with each other. I feel from an objective standpoint, it's not laired enough. Maybe it's a pacing issue, I'm not quite sure.

Other nitpicks are all I think some of the character designs try way too hard to be unique (even if the art itself is lovely as I've said), this includes the names too (I laughed at Kyle with an "L" 😆). But that's especially subject of me so 🤷‍♀️

Overall, I don't regret buying Doki Doki Dollmaker (great name btw). Though you should def play the demo version beforehand, if you liked it,  I'd said check it out! But if not, I don't think you'll be missing anything crazy. 

Thanks for creating this game and thank YOU for reading! 🙏

A very lovely game, their dynamics are so interesting with each other and the dialogue really makes them sound like real people! I (to my surprise) loved Jinhai's routes the most, very sweet stuff, especially since both Linh & JH still care for Ai!

From my favorite to least favorite routes: Jinhai True End, Jinhai Good End, Friendship End, Ai Good End, & last is Ai True End. They were all good so these are just my opinions. My only nitpick is that I wish there were Bad Ends or a Polyamorous End 😆.

It's not a perfect game but it is a beautiful story of culture, communication, and self-love! I recommend it a lot. 💙

(1 edit)

I purchased the game! I can't wait to play <3 

also is there a walkthrough for all the endings? thank you for making this game!!

Just bought the game, as a bisexual, I can't wait to complete and rank all the routes 💖💜💙!! 🥰

How do I unlocked the 4th scene under the Sea Path?? I love this game a lot <3

Hello! I know what you're talking about but it's not like my MAC is preventing it cause of permissions, it literally just says it "can't be opened" for some reason :(!

Fortunately I realized it's on Steam, so I'll play it when it's available then.

it's so frustrating but also cute

doggo was washed

Very cute game <3

I can't open it on Mac :(

also I wish I could play this instead of just watching others but on MAC it just either crashes immediately upon opening the game or has an error message when I try to play the tutorial 👍



Gotta love toxic yaoi

thank you 🙏

I understand your troubles, basically it doesn't look like it but only use the bottom half of the square to make the hourglass shape 

(4 edits)

the symbol for 'lips' doesn't work no matter what (edit: nvm I got it but idek if it's the right answer to the fourth riddle I'm gonna jump... into a pool)

(edit 2: I give up the second riddle LMAO I tried everything that makes sense to me) 

(edit 3: WELL THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN EXPLAINED BETTER, either that or I am very dumb, apparently each line of the riddle is a different symbol... wow).

(EDIT 4: beat the game after it was updated let's goooo)!

Thank you for this 🙏

I just got the game, I can't wait to play (I predict Torin is gonna be my fav but we'll see)!

Just bought it! Can't wait to play <3

cool beans <3


awwww this was so sweet (a little weird but sweet)

cute game <3!! is there a walkthrough/guide for it anywhere?

will this game ever be available for Mac?

same I'm wondering too

This looks so awesome! I've seen others play it and I can't wait until it's available on MACos!

THIS IS SO FREAKING CUTE (I love both of them and the world building)!!

It's not working for MacOS, it just says that it can't download it :(