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A member registered Sep 30, 2023

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Had a great time with this game! Overall, the game is short and sweet (but these games are the kind that I love to make YouTube videos about) 😊 Anyways, the game itself was pretty good and had a great message within it ❤️ Also, I definitely did not see the twist coming 😆 Keep up the great work! 👍 

If you’d like to check out my play-through, please use the link below 👇 

This was a very short, but very enjoyable game! Absolutely loved the atmosphere and to be honest, it’s how I’d probably imagine what the Moon’s surface would look like! 🌖 I honestly think you should explore this idea more and continue to build a full fledged story out of this! Good job dev! 👏

if you’d like to see how Apollo 17 went for me, feel free to check out the video down below! 👇 

Overall, solid job! Definitely had a lot of fun playing this and trying to figure out exactly what was going on. The characters were... interesting to say the least, especially the way in which they moved (i think it adds to it though!) 😊

Definitely think you have a really good concept here and I genuinely think this could be adapter into a longer and more detailed mystery/thriller! Look forward to seeing what else you come up with down the road! :) Great job Dev! (Just think of what you could come up with if you had 5 cups of coffee) 😆

If you'd like to see how things went for me, feel free to check out the video down below! 👇

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Definitely had a lot of fun with this game! 😊 Dev, you’ve definitely got something here that could be expanded into a much longer and detailed psychological thriller. Overall, solid work (a lot of people who have commented on my video seem to think so as well!)👏

If you’d like to check out that video, feel free to use the link below 👇 

Overall, I had a really great time with this game! It’s very polished for your first indie game and I love how you build up the tension (with various jump scares rolled in). Definitely am looking forward to your future work with Nightmare Files and anything else you produce! 👍 

P.S. Was the FBI agent supposed to turn into a trash bag after I hit him? 😂 (surprised me quite a bit 😆)

If you’d like to see my play-through, please use the link below 👇 

This is a very original approach to a short psychological horror game! I definitely think you’re onto something here Devs. Obviously, this was a short little game, but this idea could totally be expanded to a much larger game with significantly more depth. Great job overall, I had lots of fun. You also reminded me why I hate fishing 😂 Keep up the great work! 👏

If you’d like to check out my play-thru, please check out the video below 👇 😄

I’m personally here for all of the “find the anomaly” games we’ve been getting lately! It’s a really interesting and horrifying spin on I-Spy and it’s so much fun! SteelKrill is also becoming one of my favorite Indy horror devs! Keep up the great work! 😊

If you’d like to check out my play-through, please check out the video down below 👇 

Overall, I had a lot of fun with this one! It's pretty simple, but it's a fun little story and it feels like your classic indie horror game! Not bad at all for your first game! :)

I don't know what your plans are with this concept, but you could easily do a part 2 with the sister of the main character in the game. Maybe it's her night in the house or the invader comes to find her (just my two cents!).

Great job overall Dev! Keep up the great work! :) 

If you'd like to check out my play-through, please use the link down below!

These kind of indie horror games are honestly my bread and butter! I know walking sims tend to get a bit of flack, but honestly it's games like this that prove they can be just as captivating as any other game! Absolutely loved the first chapter of the Lancaster Leak and all of it's story building! I will definitely be playing the other 2 chapters (and others if you make them) in the near future! 😁

If I could nitpick, I'd just say to maybe make it so that you click when you are ready to move on to the next paragraph. I'm out of shape and was running out of breath when I was trying to read and keep up with everything during my video lol 😂

In all seriousness though, great job! 👍

If you'd like to check out my play-through, please check out the video down below! 👇

This was a really fun take on what the role of a bus driver could be! Overall, I had a lot of fun with this one and loved all the different endings! Great job Liquid Static Studios! 👏

if you’d like to see my play-through, please check out the video below 👇 

First off, I just wanted to say that whoever did the voice acting was absolutely top notch 👏 It was super witty and funny!

The gameplay itself was pretty simple (but nothing wrong with that). It allowed me to focus on the creepy AF atmosphere, which was also amazing 👌 

Overall, great job devs! Keep up the great work!

If you’d like to see my play-through, check out the video below 👇 

So, I  want to start off by saying that I have played dozens of indie horror games over the past 9 months and this is by far the scariest one I have ever played period. The ambiance throughout this game is absolutely insane and keeps you tense for the entire duration of the game. You just never know what the hell is going to happen next! I simultaneously adore this game and completely hate it (simply because it took like 5 years off of my life). What can I say except, fantastic job Steelkrill! Please keep this up! The future of indie horror is looking bright! 😊

If you'd like to check out our playthrough, please use the link down below 👇

Had a lot of fun playing this one! Great atmosphere all around! The game’s simple, but definitely has a fun and creepy vibe throughout! Good job!

If you’d like to check out my play-through, use the link below! 👇 

(1 edit)

Had a lot of fun with this short horror game! Ambiance was pretty decent and the puzzle was just challenging enough to make you worry a little bit with the time that you have! Great job! 👏 

I had an absolute blast 💥🔫 with this game! (Pun fully intended) No Players Online provides a super uneasy and eerie ambiance and I’m all here for it! This is an awesome concept and I’m so excited that you’re turning it into a full length game! (You should definitely give MapFriend the same treatment btw) . Eventually, I’ll get over to the other demo as well! Thanks for such a great time! 😁

If you’d like to check out my video, please use the link down below 👇 

This game does such an amazing job at setting up an eerie atmosphere! The sound effects are top notch and the timing of every single twig snap, guttural groan, and ragged breath really makes you feel like you’re being stalked by an unknown entity! It gets even better when you get to the house in the woods!

Thanks for putting out such a fun game! Keep up the great work! 👻

If you’d like to check out my play-through, link is below 👇 

Had a lot of fun with this one! Definitely a bit more reading than I was expecting, but that’s not a complaint! I think a couple more jumpscares and a bit more atmospheric music for ambience would do wonders. Great job overall, keep up the great work! 😊

If you’d like to check out my play-through, please use the link below 👇 

No joke, this game had some of the best jump-scares I’ve ever experienced! Additionally, the atmosphere is absolutely down right abysmal (in the best kind of way!). Thanks for taking 5 years off of my life and keep up the great work! 😊 If you’d like to see my play-through, check out the link down below 👇 

Bravo Devs! You successfully took 3 years off of my life with some of those jumpscares! Good job! :)

In all honesty, this is one of the better "short horror games" I've played in quite a while. This game proves that we don't always need a rich story line for a game to be both good and scary. Definitely look forward to seeing some more of your work down the road!

If you'd like to see my play-through, please check out the link down below! :)

(1 edit)

This game is basically a playable Duolingo meme and I am all here for it! This is exactly how I envisioned Duo (I mean Uno) would treat those of us who have failed to keep our Spanish lesson streak alive! Thanks for giving this idea some life! I definitely got a good laugh (and a bit of a spook) out of it! Keep up the great work!

If you'd like to see my play-through, check out the link below! :)

Steam Boat Willie becomes public domain and almost immediately this dev creates exactly what we wanted to see: A Mickey Mouse horror game! :D Overall, the game looks pretty darn close to the actual animation style of Steam Boat Willie and offers a pretty decent pay off in the end! Great job and keep up the great work!

If you'd like to check out our play-thru, please use the link down below :) 

Had an absolutely creepy blast with this game! :) The atmosphere is supper claustrophobic and is enough to make you severely uncomfortable (in all the best kinds of ways lol). Keep up the great work!

If you'd like to see my playthrough, check out the video below! :)

Always love playing a short and sweet horror game! Had a lot of fun and love how simple of a concept this is! Great job and keep up the great work! :)

If you'd like to see how my experience with this lamp post went, feel free to check out the video down below :)

This was such an imaginative take on what is quite a simple concept! 😊 Don’t want to spoil anything, but the realization towards the end was top notch! Keep up the great work! 👍 

If you’d like to see my play-through, please check out the link below 👇 

Had an absolute blast with this game! 😊 I know this games been around for a couple years, but there is definitely a lot that could be done with this concept! Could totally make a full length psychological horror out of it! Keep up the great work! 👍

If you’d like to see our play-through, check out the video down below 👇 

Had a lot of fun playing this! 😊 Jumpscares definitely got me 😂 If I had to nitpick, I’d say to shake up the jump scare sound effects a little bit, but overall you guys have a solid piece of work here 👏 Thanks for the frights 😁

If you’d like to see how we navigated the darkness, check out the video below 👇 

Had an absolute “BLAST” playing this game!😁 Definitely an interesting take on a very taboo pastime, and I absolutely loved it for this! There definitely is a lot of other things the devs could add to further the replayability of this game and I hope they make it happen! A multiplayer mode would be amazing for this game! Keep up the great work guys! 👏

If you’d like to check out our playthrough, please check out the video below 👇 

This game was definitely different, but in the best kind of way! 😁 It so very refreshing to add a play-through of very different kind of horror game on our channel! We had so much fun playing this and can’t recommend this enough! Great job! 👏 

If you’d care to see how we went about finding Larry, check out the video below 👇

Had an absolute blast playing this game! Highly recommend if you’re a big ufo person 🛸 the real recording at the end was 🤌

If you’d like to see how we fared, check out our play-through down below! 👇 

Had a great time playing this Lovecraftian horror piece! 😊 Definitely worth the play-through! We’ll be keeping an eye on BedTimeStories and can’t wait to see more! Thanks for a great game!

Here’s how we fared against the murky depths if you’re interested 👇 

I can honestly say that this is one of the scariest games I’ve ever played! My initial reaction to the finale was nothing short of undignified 😂 Dev absolutely nailed what a scary doll game should be! Keep up the good work! 👏

View our play-through down below if you’re interested! 😃 👇 


Had an absolute blast playing this game, as well as making the gameplay video for it! 😊 Had lots of twist and turns and wasn’t expecting where it was all going. 10/10 for me! 👏 Thanks for putting out such a fun game!

I’ve attached the link to our play-through down below if anybody would like to check it out! 👇 Happy holidays everyone! 🎄 

Do You Want to Fight a Snowman?

This was one of the funniest horror games we’ve ever played! 😊 Had so much fun listening to SpongeBob curse and running from Goofy Goober! Thank you for the fun play-through! Hope to see this game fully develop! 👻 

Our play-through is down below if you’re interested 👇

Had an absolute blast playing this game! Really got us into the Christmas spirit and is one of the best holiday games we’ve played this year!

Keep up the great work! 👻

Our play-through is down below if you’d like to check it out! 👇 

Played Slide in the woods, and Night Stop, and now this! I absolutely loved it and it really got me into the Christmas spirit (in the spooky way lol 😂) highly recommend this one and hope that someday you come out with a 4th game! Thanks for all of the frights and laughs!

if you’d like to see our playthrough, please check out the link below 👇 


I Did a Night Shift in Security Booth … But I Think I Got Fired | Short Horror Games

had an absolute blast playing this game! Keeps you guessing! I’ll definitely be playing the director’s cut in the future!

here’s our play-through if you’re interested 😊

Any game that involves saving animals is one that I’ll enjoy playing and this was no exception! 😊 There, definitely are some things that could be ironed out, but this is a demo, so I can’t really complain. You definitely have something here! Overall, I had fun and would recommend! Keep up the great work Dev! 😊 If you’d like to see our play-through check out the video below 👇 

This is a fantastic way to be introduced to Siren Head and burn 5 minutes! Overall, had quite a bit of fun and had a pretty good pay off at the end! Can't wait to put more Siren Head gameplay and lore on our channel!

If you'd like to see our experience with Siren Head, please check out the video below :)

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Absolutely loved this game! Not only is it a fun way to burn 10ish minutes, but also gave me lots of nostalgia. Used to love watching creepy pastas with my cousins late at night and then stay up scared all night 😂 10/10!