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A member registered Feb 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Roblox do you have a discord or smth?

they really didnt steal it  KlopityL gave them rights and some stole but  i mean he is so inactive i wouldnt really care

(2 edits)

So, The game hasnt been updated in over a year I have came up with a couple of reasons why it hasnt and a response of the counter side!  


1. Among us Dying

 Arguement: If you have  played among us recently you will understand it is not at all fun anymore. And the player count is decreasing heavily.  Why would  someone make a model of a dead game? Response: Among us may be dead but this community is bigger then ever more people are finding alteritvies and we were in a wemmbu video! This is not an agruement that shouldn't be used

2.  He has a life.. 

Guys Cmon he has a life he should touch grass and He most likley has classes give him a break. Response: Do you really think he has classes he made updates on  Nov 29th, jun 20th, Jun 18th may 24th, mar 13th Feb 6th Jan 14th and Dec 13th, Just to say the least if he has classes they wouldnt affect him right now...

3. Making games are hard! 

Making games are hard to make and require time! Response: Yes this is true but when updates are made month after month it isnt that hard at all.. Also Almost a year to make Crewmate mode, and thats about it and some QOL  changes..  

Dont hate on KlopityL, this is just pointing out some reasons and if there good exuses to make others feel good he has posted or done anything for over 100 days.. he may have quit. 

Note: It has been updated on Dec of 2021 so,  another point for #2

If you are reading this i have seen the game through the highs and lows I think i have a voice

NO WAY?!?!?!?!!?!

YA still isnt out!

To the ogs i am back :)

wdym not here

jester mode?

wait 1.9 mil people have clicked on this game pog 

your mom's house 

soon :D

i wish  but the doors would be kinda hard ngl

so uh when is single player comin out

if you guys are wondering where the next thing that i aam going to write is goign to after crewmate mode is complete. 


who tf cares

(1 edit)

a yo wheres you wife at?

who tf down voted this



wow you got outside the map LMAO 

bruh they dont care about mobile just play on pc


so cassic

ok some things that i have  seen in this that i was thinking about a while ago like 60 days ago i made something saying what i wanted   and seeing this  when i thought of crewmate mode  some things that i didn't think but what i like and dont but do not  take this as a hate to it but these are my opinions right now  and i will love it how it is so do not take offense Klopity and i do know this is a lot to ask and that you can only do so much Thank you and enjoy love all of your games Klopity 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  1 is content update 1   2 is 2 and 3 is 3 ect ect ect  i hope you enjoy 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (want)  tasks  now idk  what crewmate mode is going to be like and how the imposter ai is  now tasks  are hard to make now what i think  Klopity should do is to release this update then  tinker  on tasks, other pets  fixing bugs and other sliders  if i had to put this into a content update i would put it as 3 beacuse it needs  work  and is cams where added  in the update coming out know  i would be  very  happy :) if not i will still be happy :)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2)  adding more maps and i want polus to be added not that hard but i hope it is coming and other maps maybe even letting people who  support you on partreon to  make maps and other features 

 there will be a part two coming  soon :)  intill then i hope you have a good  day :)


i rember when is was a small comunity now it  is super popular 

it  will all of your updates are bangers

imagne simping


is there a crewmate mode if so mine doesn't work

idk  but does any one rember me 

klopity can i  have crewmate mode please

DID THEY ADD A CREWMATER MODE if so mine  doesn't work :/

what crewmate mode

nerd we can see

any one Rember this charecter 

Just taking a day off